So I Married a Rockstar
be tonight's -- concert. It's at one of the most popular concert venues in town and will be quite a feather in the band's cap. It's not a casino, but a 4,500-seat hot spot on The Strip is nothing to sneeze at.  
    "Wow, that's quite a coup to get booked there," I say. "I'm no expert, but doesn't that place mainly book big names?"
    "You saying we're not good enough?" Drax asks. Oh man, I've really put my foot in it now!
    "No, I mean, I didn't think you...I just didn't realize you were so popular."  
    Lame. So lame! My cheeks burn with embarrassment. They really should kick me off the bus right now. I don't even like heavy metal. Some manager I'll make.
    He squeezes me into his side and chuckles. "Chill, I'm just teasing you a little. Actually, we're not that popular...yet. There'll be three other bands, and we're opening the show."
    "Oh. But still, that's a good gig, right?" I feel like an idiot asking, but I really don't have a clue. Plus, I'm still embarrassed by my blunder. "I'm sorry, are you guys sure you want me handling this till you find someone qualified?"
    Savory smiles and passes the tablet my way. "Dude, chill. Here are all the details. It's all set up. You just need to make sure we show up on time."
    "Easier said than done," I snort, poking a finger into Drax's side. He jumps, then growls at me. I swear, he growls. The sound reverberates through my body and the fiery look he's giving me sends shivers of anticipation straight to my core.
    "Not gonna be a problem," he says without taking his ice blue eyes off my lips. My nipples pucker in response. "I don't plan to let her out of the back room till it's time to go onstage. In fact, if you boys will excuse us...and even if you won't."
    Grabbing my hand, he drags me upright into his arms. "Ready for bed?"

As far as band busses go, this one isn't huge, but it's pretty comfy. The main living area is certainly better furnished than my college apartment ever was, what with the black leather couches and overstuffed chairs. There are two tiny bunks with black-out curtains built into one side directly across from what I'm guessing is the bathroom.  
    But all of this barely registers as Drax ushers me toward the back bedroom. He's behind me, arms wrapped around my waist, nuzzling my neck and walking me forward. Every stride results in my backside bumping into his frontside, which grows more... bumpy with each step, not to mention every jostle from the moving bus.  
    I should be exhausted after the day I've had but I could not be more awake. At first I think I'm still dizzy from my fall from the loading dock, but then I realize I'm quite literally delirious with desire.
    Boy, it has been a long time.
    Before he even gets the flimsy accordion door all the way closed behind us, he's slowly unzipping my form-fitting dress. I want to spin around, hike the stretchy blue fabric up to my waist and ride him like a pony, but he seems intent on taking his time.  
    One hand reaches up and brushes my soft brown curls over my shoulder, exposing my neck, while the other slowly -- so painfully slowly -- inches the zipper down a tiny bit at a time. The tips of his fingers tickle the sensitive skin of my back but I'm paying more attention to his lips, which are brushing down my neck.  
    Oh God.
    I try to turn in his arms but he won't let me. "What's your hurry, Lola?" he whispers in my ear before continuing his slow progress. I can hear the smile in his voice and I melt a little.
    He's torturing me. I've figured it out. Everything that happened tonight was all part an elaborate plan to lure me back here to torment me and make me lose my mind. Ah, what sweet, sweet agony. The only thing I can do is concentrate on my breathing and try not to vibrate out of my own skin.
    Cool air whispers across the length of my back and I know my zipper is all the way down, yet my stupid dress is still on. I sigh in frustration and anticipation.
    "Shh," he breathes as his lips follow the path

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