Big Bad Easy

Read Online Big Bad Easy by Ursula Whistler - Free Book Online

Book: Big Bad Easy by Ursula Whistler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ursula Whistler
Tags: Erotic Romance
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she knew firsthand that Jameson’s cock matched the rest of his body. Huge. Somehow, she had to have his shaft in her pussy. “Uh huh, sure.”
    “Doubt me?”
    “I do. You’ll have to prove that I can’t beat you.”
    “That’s not right. I’ll hurt you.”
    “No. You won’t.”
    “I’ll be so worried about injuring you that I won’t do my best.”
    “Chicken.” With enough teasing, he’d give in. Big guys always did.
    “I’m not.”
    “You’re finding excuses to not take me on. I think you can’t.”
    “If I had time, I’d take you up on this right now, but that wouldn’t be wise. Someone would call the cops on me, thinking that I was mugging you.”
    “Wouldn’t you be embarrassed if I won?” Most people wouldn’t call this flirting, but to her, it was foreplay.
    “Of course.”
    She egged him on a little more, appealing to the very male side of him. Maybe he’d indulge her in a wrestling match if people couldn’t watch. “Then maybe we need to take this behind closed doors.”
    “Like?” As his voice took an upward turn at the end, she knew she had him intrigued.
    “I go to a twenty-four hour gym. I can reserve the judo/karate room.” She added a detail sure to entice him. “It’s got padding.”
    He grunted, but she couldn’t tell much more what he thought due to their quick pace. In a moment, he said, “We’d have to go late, so we didn’t have an audience. That wouldn’t be cool.”
    Whatever his reasons, she loved the idea of the two of them, say at midnight, alone in the martial arts room. That place had a door that locked. Her mind raced with crazy possibilities. Strip wresting. Whoever got held down for the count or moved out of the ring had to remove a piece of clothing. The fun they could have. “It’s on. Midnight. I’ll get the room.”
    “You are crazy.” He smiled, though, and a definite twinkle sparked as he winked. He liked the idea as much as she did. “Which gym?”
    She gave him the address. “You’ll show up?”
    “I will. I won’t disappoint you again.”
    “Good, because you are going down.” Hopefully, on her. That’s what she would demand if she won. Within the proper boundaries or not, tonight, she was fucking Jameson Kelly.

Chapter Seven
    After a shower and some footwork regarding the robberies, Jameson sat down to coffee with Zara near her workplace. Her smile assured him that her forgiveness of him still held. Two other women joined them, some of the other victims of the car robberies. He passed around the three photos he had from video surveillance cameras.
    These were low resolution clips. All the managers said that they didn’t have enough computer storage space to keep high resolution videos from that far back. If it had happened a week ago, they all opined. “Yeah, yeah,” he told them, embarrassed enough for his district that had seen an uptick in crimes the past few weeks. It was as if they’d done something wrong, but he didn’t know what. He turned back to the photos.
    “Here’s the car the guy filled, ma’am, when he was using your card to get gas.” He pulled another one from underneath it. “This is the best one we have of the guy buying cigarettes. That last one, I’m not even sure it’s the same guy. Looks thinner, but the angle is weird.”
    The manager of that store had taken one glance at the video before turning bright red. “Damn cashiers, changing the camera position. They do that so I can’t see them take money. It’s only a dollar or three or five a day, but it adds up each shift. Gonna have to take care of that again. Time to fire some people.” He’d stormed out of the meeting and left Jameson to print the photo himself.
    “I know this car. I know this car.” The smaller woman with dark curly hair tapped the photo, making the entire table shudder. “I saw it yesterday. Holy crap, Sergeant. He parked beside me.”
    The woman spoke so quickly that he heard only a few words clear enough to

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