So I Married a Rockstar
him a grimace. "Marvin's gone."  
    Drax nods at the news. "He always hated me. Probably glad for the excuse to dump us. Sorry, guys."
    They all shrug but I know they're worried. A rock band without a manager is basically dead in the water. I don't know much of anything but I know that much.  
    Then Drax turns his gaze on me, and it's like the first time I saw him. I want to attribute my suddenly weak knees to the fall but I know better. It's him. It's always him.
    "I'm just glad I got here in time to break your fall."  
    That was him?
    "That was you?"
    "Yup. Just wish I'd had about five more seconds and I could have caught you. How bad-ass would that have been?"
    "Did I hurt you?" I'm not a tiny wisp of a thing and my full weight hurtling off a four-foot loading dock is bound to do some damage.
    He laughs. "Are you kidding me? A little thing like you? Woman, I could break your fall a hundred times a day and still be able to fling you over my shoulder and carry you to the back bedroom of that bus."
    I flush at the suggestion and heat suffuses every nook and cranny. Especially the nooks and crannies.
    "You know Lauren lost her job over this."  
    I shoot a dark look at Savory. Mind your own beeswax, that look says.
    Storm clouds flash across Drax's face. "What the hell? It's not her fault! Where's Harry? I wanna talk to Harry!"
    He's getting riled up, which can't be good for someone who's recovering from being drugged. "No, it's done. He's a jerk anyway, right, Save?"
    Savory agrees. "Totally. She shouldn't be working for someone like him." He pauses a beat, then ads, "Should she, Drax?"
    My gaze bounces between the two men as they have a silent conversation with their eyes. I'm not liking this one teensy bit. My spidey-senses are tingling, and not in the fun way.
    After an eternity of meaningful looks, an evil grin forms on Drax's perfect lips. "I couldn't agree more. And isn't it convenient that we find ourselves without a manager? Lauren, how would you like to join our team?"
    What on earth is he talking about? "I think the roofies made you loopy. I don't know the first thing about managing a band."
    "It would just be temporary, till we find a permanent replacement. Besides, you didn't know anything about producing a rock show this morning."
    "And look how well that turned out!" Then something clicks in my head. "Wait, how did you know that?"
    His evil grin turns even more evil. "I have my sources. Now whaddaya say? We gotta get on the road if we're gonna make the Vegas show, and we need to make that show. You in or are you out?"
    I'm floored. One of the hottest bands on the west coast is asking me to be their manager. Anyone else in my position would jump at the chance, but I'm not so sure. I can't just hop on the bus and leave town without saying goodbye to my dads, can I? Papi would probably wail for a week. Pepper would understand, probably encourage it, but still...
    Drax's smile softens. Taking my hand in his, he pulls me into his arms. Right there in front of God, the band and every roadie in town! The weirdest part is that it feels like coming home. I sigh and rest my cheek on his chest.
    "Come on, Lola," he whispers into the top of my head, just loud enough for me to hear. "What do you have to lose?"
    Oh, maybe just a little thing called my heart, but how can I say no? Especially when every cell in my body is screaming DO IT!
    At my nod, he squeezes me tighter and buries his face in my hair.
    "Hmm?" I reply, deliriously happy.
    "Why do you smell like peanut butter?"

Rock With You

    What the hell am I doing? This isn't like me. I'm the girl who started preparing my college applications when I was a freshman, not the one who went to wild parties and made out with the star quarterback. I'm the dependable one. The one who thinks everything through before committing. So how in the world did I end up on Roadkill's tour bus headed for Vegas and why am I so excited about it?
    Holy crap, I still can't believe

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