So I Married a Rockstar
this is happening to me. It's like a whirlwind picked me up from my dads' record store and plopped me down in the lap of a scorching hot rocker. Tough life, right?
    Okay, so I'm not really in his lap, but Draymond 'Drax' Maxwell is without a doubt the sexiest man I've ever met in real life, probably the sexiest man that ever walked the planet, and I'm cuddled up next to him on the band's bus and he has his arm draped over my shoulders. I need to say that again just to make sure it's real: He has his arm draped over my shoulders!
    I suddenly have a newfound appreciation for those girls who made out with the quarterback.
    "You're gonna love Vegas, Lola," Drax says, his fingers tracing tiny circles on my arm that make all my bits tighten. "I plan on showing you a very good time."
    My skin heats up at the insinuation, especially since he says it right in front of his bandmates, but it doesn't make me want him any less. I hardly know the man but the attraction between us is an inferno. The one kiss we've shared was the most intense experience of my life -- sexual or otherwise -- and I'm desperate to discover what making love to him is like.  
    Of course, it's been so long I'm a little worried I'll forget where everything goes. When I called Pepper just before boarding Roadkill's bus, she laughed at my fears.  
    "Lo, you'll be fine, trust me. Just take notes for me, m'kay?"  
    I hope she's right. Not about the notes part, but the other thing.
    "Drax, why do you call her Lola?" asks Savory, the bass player and, from what I can tell, Drax's best friend. "You know her name is Lauren, right?"
    Jake, the guitar player, bursts out into drunken laughter, his red-tipped spikes bobbing merrily. He started drinking beer way early and really doubled down after the concert was cancelled.
    "Yeah, like dat time in Shheattle. Man, dat chick was piiiiished!"
    I don't know these guys very well, but even for for metal-head rockers, that kind of comment seems crass. I'm probably just being a delicate flower or something. But then Drax leans across the tiny aisle and snatches Jake's half-empty bottle from his lax fingers, so maybe it wasn't just me being sensitive.
    "I think that's enough for you, my friend. We've got a show tomorrow, remember?"
    Jake looks like he's going to argue but then leans back into the black leather couch and drifts off into oblivion. Frank has a beer, too, but he's not wasted like Jake. He looks pretty surly, though. More surly than usual, that is. Boy, I need to get a handle on these guys if I'm going to be their manager, temporary though it might be.
    "Her dads call her Lola," Drax explains to Savory. "I think it suits her, don't you?"
    Frank spits out a mouthful of beer. "Her dads ?"
    I can feel Drax's body stiffening and I can't deny that the 'knight in shining armor' thing is mighty attractive, but I've been fighting this battle my entire life. No need for anyone to get mad.  
    "Yup, I have two fantastic dads who are married and live in the gayest part of San Francisco. Like, they could not be any gayer if they tried. I love them for it, and for raising me to be a smart, caring and strong woman."
    Frank looks thoughtful for a second, then nods in acceptance. "Cool. Where's your mom?"
    Dammit. I should have known that was coming next, but I've spent so much of my life trying to not think about her, that it always takes me off-guard. "Um, she wasn't really a part of my life."
    "Oh, was she a surrogate? Cuz I've heard that's a thing."
    I smile uneasily, not at all comfortable with the direction the conversation is taking but I also don't want to make a big deal of it. "Nope, I happened the old-fashioned way. But no one wants to talk about their parents having sex, am I right? Besides, she's dead. Now tell me about this gig in Las Vegas."
    Savory, bless his heart, takes the hint and pulls out his iPad, rattling off the details of tomorrow night's -- actually, it's closing in on two in the morning, so that should

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