Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge

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Book: Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge by Lolita Lopez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolita Lopez
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It's simple. Very me," he added thoughtfully. Discomfort tugged at his features.
    He looked terribly uncomfortable. "I really am sorry, Laleh, about forgetting the ring. I don't know how it slipped my mind."
    "Pike," she interrupted with a light laugh. "You're preparing to launch a new ship halfway across the universe for a new post as a skyport commander. It's completely understandable. I'm not upset. Really."
    He studied her face as if judging her sincerity. "I'll make it up to you. I promise."
    Warmth blossomed in her chest. "I'm sure you will."
    "I know it's rather boorish of me, but I have to get back to fleet headquarters. I have a million things to do before we ship out tomorrow morning. You're more than welcome to come with me and hang out in my temporary office."
    Laleh wrinkled her nose. "I think I'll just head over to campus as I'd planned. I wanted to talk to some of my profs and catch up with some friends before the ceremony this afternoon."
    "I'm hoping to make it to the ceremony grounds in time to see you cross the stage, but I can't promise anything," Pike said apologetically.
    She shrugged. "If you're really interested, I'm sure you'll be able to find footage online."
    Pike smiled. "We'll see."
    "We should probably make plans to meet somewhere since the crowds are sure to be thick. How about the maglev stop by the west entrance of the university?"
    "Works for me."
    "Laleh." Pike touched her shoulder, his voice suddenly serious. "Promise me you'll be very careful today. We've solved your immigration problems, but there's nothing stopping Jai from trying to hurt you again."
    Touched by his concern, Laleh nodded. "I'll be safe. I promise."
    "I'm holding you to that." He glanced at his watch. "I need to go. I'm expected at the Admiralty soon."
    "Go," Laleh said, shooing him off. "I'm a big girl. I can watch out for myself."
    Grinning, Pike rose and cupped her chin. "Enjoy yourself today. You won't see Earth for quite a while."
    "I will."
    Pike's hand lingered on her skin, his thumb caressing the soft spot just below her lip.
    "Be safe."
    Laleh nodded and watched him walk away. As he reached the stairs, Pike pivoted to face her again. A roguish smile curved his lips. "Welcome to Spacefleet, Mrs. Grayson."
    Chuckling, Laleh shook her head. Welcome to Spacefleet, indeed.

    * * * *
Pike scanned the surrounding crowds for Laleh's face. As the arena emptied, a rush of recent graduates and family spilled onto the walkways and paved commons. He wondered about the practicality of their arranged meeting spot. The odds of them missing one another were rather high so he kept his eyes peeled for the distinct fabric of her dress.
    Just the thought of losing her in the crowd made him antsy. All day, he'd worried about her traipsing about Houston without any sort of protection. Logically, Pike knew Laleh was fully capable of looking after herself yet he couldn't shake the feeling that he should be with her, protecting her. He'd already started thinking of her as his . If there was one thing Pike did exceptionally well, it was taking care of the things that belonged to him. He'd be damned if anyone harmed a single hair on Laleh's head.
    Similarly, Pike had been struck by the oddest sensation of pride watching Laleh cross the stage to accept her doctorate. She'd practically glowed as she strode toward the dean. Judging by the shouts from the crowd of graduate students in her section, Pike had surmised she was quite popular. Laleh had flashed a sign of some kind to her friends and the section had erupted with raucous laughter. He couldn't help but wonder about the inside joke.
    A flash of silver speckled with black caught his eye. Pike zeroed in and spotted Laleh moving the crowd, surrounded by people he assumed to be her friends. At the sight of her laughing, smiling face, guilt clawed his belly. In just a few short hours, he would be taking her away from everything she knew, from her friends, her support system. Even the

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