Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge

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Book: Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge by Lolita Lopez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolita Lopez
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Desperate to reassure him, Laleh released his hand and touched his cheek. "Pike, it's fine."
    Melanya stepped forward and pried her wedding band from her finger. She nudged Pike and dropped the gold band onto his palm. With a quick wink, she stepped back. Pike mouthed a grateful thank you and then turned his attention to Judge Hawkins, an amused smile playing on the elderly judge's face. Their little hiccup dealt with, Pike and Laleh exchanged rings.
    Judge Hawkins beamed. "By the power vested in me by the supreme authority of the Federation of Coalition Planets, I pronounce you husband and wife." He stared expectantly at Pike before rolling his eyes. "Well go on! Give her a kiss!"
    With the twittering giggles of Melanya and Pilar in the background, Pike stepped forward, his expression serious. Laleh licked her lips in anticipation and moved to meet his descending mouth. That first contact of their lips sent shockwaves through her. His fingertips brushed her cheeks as he held her face in his big, strong hands and claimed her lips in a kiss that curled her toes. When Pike broke contact, he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes. The corners of his lips quirked with a boyish grin. Her tummy flip-flopped at the realization she now belonged to this man.
    Melanya and Pilar rushed forward and embraced them in congratulatory hugs. Even the judge seemed infected with their enthusiasm as he gave Laleh's shoulders a fatherly squeeze and clapped Pike on the back. Judge Hawkins wished them well before ushering them into a side office to make room for his next appointment.
    They spent the next twenty minutes or so filling out the required digital forms and pressing their thumbprints to all of the necessary spots. Pike slipped his hand into the metal box to have his implanted chip updated first. Laleh followed and experienced her first real sensation of relief in months at the knowledge she was yet again a legal resident of Earth. Seeing the passport stamp on the screen of her transmitter filled her with such a sense of calm she had to blink back tears.
    Safe. I'm finally safe.
    As if sensing her overwhelmed state, Pike placed a steadying hand against the small of her back and led her out of the offices. She gravitated closer to him, her side bumping against his as they discussed dinner plans with their friends. There was something so comforting about his presence.
    "I know the chef at Hikaru's," Pilar said, her fingers moving over the screen of her transmitter. "He'll make sure we get a great table."
    As Pilar and Pike hashed out the details, Laleh slipped Milanya's ring off of her finger and returned it. "Thank you."
    Melanya shrugged and slid the ring back onto her finger. She leaned over and whispered conspiratorially. "He always forgets the tiny details."
    "Some best man you were," Pike interjected jokingly. "You're supposed to save me from myself."
    "I'm no miracle worker, Pike." Melanya's watch chirped. She frowned. "However, I am late for a meeting." She glanced at Pilar. "All the plans for tonight worked out?"
    Pilar nodded. "Eight at Hikaru's."
    "Good deal." She grinned at Pike and Laleh. "We'll see you two later then."
    The women headed off in one direction while Pike guided Laleh in another. His arm curled around her waist as he led her down a flight of stairs and out into the beautifully landscaped courtyard. Morning dew still glistened on the brightly colored blossoms and green leaves. People enjoying their morning cups of coffee sat on the benches, their transmitters held at eye level as they watched the morning news or read through their newest messages.
    Pike steered her toward an empty bench. She sat and crossed her knees, carefully arranging the fabric of her skirt. Pike perched next to her and toyed with his wedding band.
    "If you don't like the ring, you're more than welcome to exchange it for something else," Laleh offered.
    "What?" He seemed surprised, then realized he was touching the ring. "Oh. No! I like it.

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