Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge

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Book: Skyport Virgo 1 - Refuge by Lolita Lopez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lolita Lopez
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knowledge she'd made the decision to marry and join him on Virgo of her own free will did little to lessen that gnawing sensation she might someday regret her choice or feel trapped.
    Pushing aside those thoughts, Pike stepped into the light and into Laleh's path. Her face brightened at the sight of him. It had been a long time since any woman had looked at him like that. A quiver of anticipation pierced his belly as Laleh broke away from her friends and hurried over to meet him.
    Knowing her friends would expect some kind public display of affection between newlyweds, Pike swept Laleh into his arms. Her blue eyes widened with surprise.
    Amused, he planted a lingering kiss on her soft lips. She stiffened and then relaxed into his embrace, her hands settling on his arms. The realization he could push the boundaries of their relationship made his groin tighten. Only the bustling crowd kept him from cupping her face and sliding his tongue between her lips.
    Pulling back, Pike swept an escaped lock of hair from her face. "Congratulations, Laleh."
    A pleased grin curved her face. Before she could speak, her friends descended upon them. In a whirlwind of introductions, Pike met the group of eleven compatriots. They were a motley bunch, a few of them obviously well-to-do by the looks of their clothing, the others barely scraping by on the fringe by the looks of their second hand suits and dresses. Physicists, mathematicians, biochemists, and writers—they covered the spectrum of academia.
    Two of them decked out in the navy blue uniforms of ensigns drew his attention. He learned they were Spacefleet ROTC members preparing to ship out on their first deployments after completing their engineering degrees. Secretly, Pike was glad to hear the pair had been assigned to ships far outside any hostile zones. Green officers always made him nervous, even more so when the crews they commanded were likely to encounter hostilities.
    He stood back as Laleh bid her friends goodbye, her eyes glimmering with moisture.
    It was obvious she shared a bond with this scraggly band of academics. He understood the camaraderie that developed. He was glad to hear two of them, Ginger and Hassan, had accepted jobs at Leo, a skyport in the vicinity of Virgo. Pike tucked away the information, already planning a getaway for Laleh in the near future.
    As her friends climbed onto the maglev, Pike held out his hand and wiggled his fingers. Sniffling, Laleh grasped his hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. "You'll see them again. I'm sure of it."
    "I know." She wiped her eyes with her free hand. "It's just—I don't know—I feel a little overwhelmed today. And I miss my mother."
    Pike stopped dead in his tracks. His chest constricted at the sadness displayed on her face. Gripped by the need to comfort her, Pike drew her close. "I'm sorry your mother wasn't here to see you graduate. I'm sure it would have meant a lot to her."
    "She was so intent upon me earning a doctorate. Didn't care what doctorate, just a doctorate," she added with a wry smile. "Education was so important to her, especially since she could barely read."
    Pike wasn't surprised. Educating women didn't seem to be a priority on Hezma-12.
    "Perfectly understandable that she'd want you to earn an advanced degree then," he said, loosening his hold on her.
    "Absolutely," Laleh agreed.
    Sensing she felt better, Pike steered her through the crowd toward the transport cars heading downtown. A streetcar slid to a stop up ahead. Pike slid his arm around Laleh's shoulders and hustled her toward the open doorway. His hands clamped around her waist as he quickly lifted her from the sidewalk to the top step. He hopped on behind her.
    Eyebrows lifted, Laleh sent a bemused smile over her shoulder. "My legs work, you know."
    Pike chuckled as they moved through the filling car, bumping against her backside as the other riders knocked into him. Laleh found an empty spot in the middle of the car.
    Pike sidled up next to

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