Shattered Hart

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Book: Shattered Hart by Ella Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Fox
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Dante is there.  He should be helping.”
    Spencer’s harsh breath is my first clue that something is wrong, and my stomach drops one thousand stories in under a second.
    “I didn’t fucking have Dante with me Damien.  I was alone.  The club was packed , and I just could n’ t keep track of all of them at the same time.  Brooke got drunk, too drunk.  Two guys cornered her on the dance floor and would n’ t let her go.  I saw it from across the club and had to barrel my way over to her as they were trying to take her out of the club.  I got there with seconds to spare.”
    I’m off the couch in a flash as I yell in to the phone, “Did they touch her? Is she alright?”
    Spencer makes a choked sound and I die a little inside as I wait for his answer. 
    “They did touch her , but it did n’ t get far.  One of them was the guy she was kissing in the photo I sent you earlier.  The other guy appeared to be a friend of his.  They tag teamed her and tried to smuggle her out of the club.  Like I said, I got to her in time.  She was so drunk she could n’ t even walk , so I had to carry her to the cab and then from the cab to the hotel.  I’ve never seen her like that.  Brooke’ s normally a pretty straight arrow.  T on ight she was drinking like the devil was on her ass.   I got her back to her suite in the nick of time.  She’s puking her guts out r ight now.  Sabrina is with her and she’s fine, but I knew you would want to know .”
    I’m so upset that I can barely speak.  Making my excuses to Spence , I get off the phone . I’m completely shattered, and I lay my head down on the table.   What have I done ?  Why did I touch her?  The answer to both of those questions is that I fucked up , and I’m selfish.  I thought about what I wanted instead of what Brooke deserved. 
    I can’t leave Spence alone to take care of the girls for another night.  Clearly my running away did not have the desired effect.  A conversation with Brooke is in order.  She needs to understand that I can never be a choice for her.  It ’s the only way.
    Heading in to my bedroom, I pack a bag. Once I’m finished packing, I send a text to Spencer asking what suite Brooke is in.  Once I’ve got his reply, I get in my car and make the drive to Vegas. 
    I arrive just after six in the morning.  At the front desk I flash my license, purposely concealing the first name, and identify myself as Dante Hart.  After explaining that I lost the card to one of “ my ” suites, I’m given the key to Brooke’s room.
    The ride up in the elevator passes quickly and before I know it, I’m opening the door to Brooke’s suite.
    Everything is quiet and dark, which I take as a good sign.  Finding my way to the bedroom, I stand over Brooke’s sleeping form and do a visual check. Even with clear signs of a rough night, she looks gorgeous. 
    I don’t have the heart to wake her.  Instead, I pull a chair up to the edge of the bed and watch her as she sleeps.  I know I’m not going to win any awards with her for doing this.  Words like “stalker” and “asshole” run throug h my head.  While I know this is a bad idea, I just need to be near her.
    I spent a long time staring at her, wishing that things were different.  At some point I guess I dozed off, and I wake up to a furious Brooke sitting on the edge of the bed yelling at me. 
    “Goddammit Damien, are you serious right now with this shit?”
    Yep, as expected, she’s not thrilled with my turnin g up in her room unannounced.  Rubbing my hands over my eyes, I try and wake up.  A look at the clock shows that it’s just after nine in the morning. Turning my head back to Brooke, I find her glaring at me. 
    “I asked you a question Damien.  You’re going to want to answer it.”
    “I’m sorry.  I knew you were going to be pissed that I came in while you were sleeping. After Spencer called, I drove all night to get here.  I have no excuse, other than the

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