Shattered Hart

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Book: Shattered Hart by Ella Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Fox
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fact that I needed to see yo u, to make sure you were okay.”
    “This isn’t even a little bit acceptable Damien.  It says that you think I’m some feeble little girl who can’t take care of herself, and I don’t like it. I’m not a child, nor am I your possession. If you wanted to see me, you should have knocked on the damn door.”
    Groaning, I cover my eyes with my hands.  I’m fucking things up like a real champ these days. 
    “You’re right.  Of course you’re right, and I apologize.  I knew you weren’t going to be thrilled about this, but I clearly didn’t think it all the way through.  I assure you, I’m not here because I think you’re a feeble child.  And I know that you aren’t… mine.”
    That last bit hurts more to say than it should.  Talk about being a mess.
    “Look.  I’m fine.  Other than being hung over and embarrassed, I’m okay.  You didn’t need to sneak in to my room and watch over me like a night nurse.  What can I do for you Damien?”
    Dammit.  I knew this would happen when I bailed on the trip and pretended I had a date. T hat doesn’t make it sting any less though .   I’ve let her down . I can see it in her body language and her facial expression.  What if I’ve gone too far and she hates me?  I’m not sure I could deal with that.
    “I imagine that you ’r e pissed at me about what happened on Sunday after dinner, but don’t push me away Brooke.  I care about you very much , and I didn’t mean to hurt you.  I don’t want to lose our friendship over this.  I’m terribl y sorry for anything that I’ve done that has angered y ou .  Please don’t hate me honey . I don’t think I could survive that. ”
    She takes in everything I’ve said in silence and appears to weigh her words before answering. 
    “I can handle that you made a mistake la st weekend in the driveway.  What I can ’ t handle is feeling like a piece of meat.  O pting out of this trip to go on a date … well, it made me feel like an even bigger idiot than I already did.   If your intenti on was to make me feel like a stupid tramp, mission accomplished.   I get that you do n’ t want me and that Sunday was a mistake, but what I do n’ t accept is your immature attemp t to send me a message that it meant less than nothing to you, and you’re on to the next girl.   I get it.  You’ve made it abundantly clear .   You didn’t need to bail out on a family trip to send that message.”
    For a minute , I can only stare at her.  With blinding clarity, I realize that I am guilty of mistak enly assuming that her age means that she is barely an adult. Clearly, I am very wrong.  She just took me on without batting an eye.   Brooke saw through me completely, and I feel like the lowest form of life .   In a state of shock , I mentally berate myself for being such a fool before I begin speaking.
    “ Christ Brooke.  It isn’t that I don’t want you .  I t’s that I want you too much.  I’m not good enough for you!  You deserve so much better.  I don’t ever want to be in a relationship, and you aren’t the type to have a fling . I fuck sweetheart, and that’s all I do. It means nothing when I do it .  I find girls who want to do what I like to do, and I spend myself in them. When I’m done, I leave.  You don’t want that, and you and I both know it.”
    Her face is a mask of shock and she says nothing, so I plow on. 
    “ I was nervous about this weekend , so I decided it would be easier not to come. I didn’t even have a fucking date. I figured if you thought I was with someone else, you woul d make sure that what happened between us wouldn’t ever happen again .  This is about me Brooke, and what an unworthy fuck up I am.  It’s not you at all.  You’re perfect.  I never intended to make you feel like an idiot or a tramp.  You ’ re neither of those things. You mean the world to me , and I don’t want to lose you.  Can we start again and get past

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