A Dance of Death

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Book: A Dance of Death by David Dalglish Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Dalglish
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    “You’re blocking the way,” Haern said, keeping his tone flat. “Move?”
    “You’re that Watcher guy, aren’t you? Laurie said you’d be coming.”
    “Kind of him. Care to do as he says?”
    Instead, the man drew an enormous sword off his back. It had to weigh a ton, but he handled it with ease.
    “They tell me you weren’t the one who killed Taras,” he said. “But I saw the symbol. You might not have done it yourself, but that don’t mean you’re innocent. I fought that Wraith bastard. If the rumors about you are even half-true, this guy’s still better.”
    “We don’t have time for this,” Zusa whispered behind him.
    The man let out a roar, as if he were trying to be intimidating. Haern winced, but only from the heavy stench of alcohol that assaulted his nostrils.
    “Who are you?” Haern asked.
    “Torgar. I’m in charge of Laurie’s mercenaries, as well as keeping the family safe. If it were up to me, I’d have you hanging outside the-”
    He suddenly tensed, and his jaw dropped a little. Zusa stood before him, her knee rammed into his crotch, her left hand holding his neck to keep him steady. Her dagger pressed against his abdomen, just below his leather armor.
    “Move,” she breathed into his ear, just before kicking his chin when she back-flipped. Torgar dropped to his rear, his stunned look giving way to anger
    “You bitch!”
    Zusa blew him a kiss as she ran on. Haern followed, offering the mercenary a sympathetic shrug.
    “A little harsh,” he said as they vaulted the walls of the Keenan estate.
    “The oaf thinks with pride and alcohol. I have no patience with either.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    They kept to the shadows as they hurried down the street toward a main intersection leading to the docks. Their first obstacle was one of the three walls, its gateways well-lit and carefully guarded. They slunk to the side of a home and peered around.
    “Doubt they’ll let us through,” Haern said. “Not armed and dressed like this.”
    “We could take them out. Not fatally. Don’t give me that look.”
    Haern glanced at the wall. It wasn’t that tall, and with so many homes built up against it, just maybe…
    “Follow me,” Zusa said, interrupting his thoughts. She ran until out of sight of the gate, then turned and vaulted high into the air. Haern could hardly believe what he saw. She landed atop the roof, without needing to grab hold or climb up. Without slowing, she took two more steps and jumped again, catching the top of the wall with her fingers. Climbing up, she then leaned back down and offered her hand.
    “Jump or climb,” she said.
    He took his own running leap, caught the roof with a hand, and used it to pull himself up. As for the wall, he jumped toward it, kicked off with a foot to lift higher, and then caught her hand. With minimal effort she pulled him up, and together they overlooked the docks.
    “You need to teach me how do that,” he said, shaking his head.
    “Run fast, then jump. I didn’t think it was difficult.” She pointed. “There.”
    “What am I looking for?”
    “You’ll know.”
    Haern followed her finger, then saw a trio of men lurking in an alley. They certainly looked up to no good. Nearby torches burned, lighting up taverns that bustled with activity.
    “What is your plan?” he asked. “Do we assault random thugs and hope one of them knows the Wraith?”
    Zusa rolled her eyes.
    “Sometimes I wonder how you achieved as much as you have.”
    “A lot of luck was involved.”
    She drew her daggers, twirling them in her hands.
    “This Wraith sent you a message for a reason. I say we send one in return. Let him know you’re here in Angelport. Let him find you, instead of us finding him.”
    A grin spread across Haern’s face. At least in this, he felt right at home.
    “Those thieves,” he said. “They’re about to have a very bad night, aren’t they?”
    Zusa shot him a wink.
    “Lead on, Watcher.”
    Haern dropped

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