SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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and playing nice to assist. I was sure she would have put her foot down, but nothing yet. It’s been a real pain. Agent Cooper is making his presence felt.”
    I think about the case for a second. “Was I really that out of place trying to turn an ex-girlfriend into a CI? We’re trained to use whatever contacts we have, Ryan. What am I missing?”
    “Actually there is something else Blake. I’ve been watching the surveillance videos.”
    “Which ones?”
    “From the night you went to speak with Neon. There was more going on than you think.” 
    “What do you mean?”
    “Did you have any idea that you were talking to Neon but standing right next to April Lee?”
    “I didn’t at first. Why?” My stomach drops at the look on his face. He’s dead serious. “They don’t think I was in on it, do they?” He doesn’t answer, but I know that’s what he’s thinking. “Are you fucking kidding me? Neon told me they were from Buffalo, or somewhere upstate. There’s no way I would have left her there if I had known. So is this what the suspension is about? They think I’m working with Neon?”
    “The video doesn’t help, Blake. You’re never looking directly at April Lee. In fact, it looks like she’s trying to hide her face. It’s definitely April standing behind Neon. And in a later frame, she walks across the shot and gets into a car. This is why the FBI is gunning for you, man.”
    My mouth is left gaping. Slowly, pieces of the puzzle begin to sink in. If the FBI thinks I saw April on the street and did nothing, it’s no wonder they’re after my ass. I would do the same thing if I had seen the same thing. And shit, it explains Carrie’s enraged phone call that night. I’m shaking my head, of course. “I’ve been walking round with only half of the story.”
    “Blake, I don’t have to ask you. I know you’re telling the truth. Your face is white as a ghost right now, bud. This situation looks pretty bad.”
    I feel sick in an entirely new way. It’s no wonder Carrie thinks I’m having an affair with Neon. I can see exactly why she was yelling at me now. Of course she was crying and decided to go out searching the streets. She didn’t trust me!
    On top of that, she didn’t trust Cooper for whatever reason, so she decided to take things into her own hands. This is worse than I thought. Not only will the entire station think I’m a criminal, but Carrie’s disappearance is on me. She would never have been out there alone had she trusted me. None of this would have gone down if I didn’t believe Neon.
    “Fuck!” I say quietly to Ryan. “What a mess. This couldn’t be worse. What am I supposed to do now?”
    Ryan shakes his head. “There’s nothing you can do. You need to wait. Sooner or later the truth is gonna come out and all you can do is sit tight.”
    “I can’t do it Ryan. Could you?”
    “If you go near this case again, your career is history. You just have to trust that the FBI will figure it out.”
    “But they have no idea what they’re doing!” I say, frustrated as I stand to leave. “There’s nothing anyone can say to make me stop looking for her, Ryan.”
    He gets to his feet and holds his hands up. His stance is conciliatory, as he tries to calm me down. “Look, I know I can’t stop you, but at least be your eyes?”
    I think for a second. He’s right. I can’t do this alone. I need to learn from this. When it comes to Neon, her expressions of truth are almost always a lie.
    “So you’re saying you’ll be my eyes and ears in the station?” I ask.
    “I’m saying I’ll be your partner on this. We’ll talk every day, discuss new leads, and I’ll make sure I’m there to back you up when the time comes. How does that sound?”
    I nod. “I don’t want you getting in shit with Jacob for this, but I also can’t keep stumbling around in the dark. Okay, I guess it’s a deal.”
    “You guess?” He’s angry at my flippant dismissal. “You need to get your head

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