SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

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Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) by JC Coulton Read Free Book Online
Authors: JC Coulton
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out of your ass, bud. This is no joke.”
    “I’m sorry man. I’m just shocked at this new info. I’m the one who made this mess and I should be the one to clean it up.”
    “I hear you. You just need to know you shouldn’t have to do it alone.”
    With that, he reaches out and shakes my hand. We agree on a daily check-in time. I give him all the extra information I know about Neon. It feels good to download it all. If I’m going to bring her down, I need help.
    We continue discussing the logistics. Laying out all these details to Ryan sheds some new light on what Neon has done. If she has April Lee, then she has Carrie. But more than that, if she’s taking girls off the streets, she’s got to be sending them somewhere. There’s something missing here, but I know I’m on the right track. All I need to do is keep pushing and prodding Neon until I get what I want. She may be my ex, but now she’s a suspect and a target in my search for justice.
    I make a decision then and there while sitting at the table with Ryan. That’s it, I’m going to spend every minute of every damn day bringing her down. I’m not going to stop until I have Carrie and April back, and Neon behind bars. This woman has manipulated me long enough. Now she’s hurting people I care about. It has to stop. Whatever nasty tricks Neon Lips is up to, they’re are coming to an end.

Chapter 9
    Reading Sarah’s diary was heartbreaking. I couldn’t hold back the tears. She went through so much. And she was so brave; and so smart, thinking to steal the notepad to keep a personal record of what happened here. I can’t imagine how horrendous it must have been seeing her friend murdered like that. Kicked to death by one of Neon’s thugs. What a brutal way to die. Those men are animals. It’s no wonder Sarah began to lose her grip on sanity. I think anyone would.
    The descriptions of Neon’s guys are accurate enough—I can tell they are the same ones who are here inflicting their torture on me now. The one who killed Lucy sounds like the one with cuts on his face—he’s so angry and hateful all the time. That means Lucy’s death could be recent.
    Reality hits me. What happened to Lucy could easily happen to me now. I need to stay calm at all times, and not get noticed. As long as I can be one of the girls to toe the line, and as long as I don’t stick out, I have a chance of catching them off-guard and getting away.
    I feel honored Sarah left these precious items for someone like me. I have to find a way to share her story someday. For now, I need to keep these things safe. I promise myself never to fall asleep with the feather in my hand or let the guys see the loose floorboard. One tiny mistake could cost me her things; and my life.
    Sarah and Lucy have become beacons of hope. I begin to believe I’ll have the strength and opportunity to save myself. I also can’t make their mistake—I can’t wait and hope for someone to rescue me. And I have to act fast, before the drugs take away any will I have to get away.
    I don’t know if Blake or Jason saw me get taken the other night. There’s no way to know whether they’ll come for me or not. I refuse to be a helpless victim waiting to be rescued. That’s not me. It’s never been me, and I just won’t do it.
    I’ll focus on looking after myself, like Sarah and every girl before her tried to do. If I don’t look after myself, no one else will. The thought leaves me lonely. I remember my dad was really big on self-sufficiency; maybe that was a blessing. He used to constantly say ‘we all die alone, Carrie’ in that tough as nails voice. I remember thinking it wasn’t true. Most of us die with nurses and doctors or family around us. For someone like Lucy, the end came while she was alone. Horribly alone. It also sounds like she was insane when it happened. I hope this means she didn’t feel anything. The idea that one of Neon’s men could do

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