Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

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Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
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Bright lights popped in large flower-like bursts behind his eyes. He felt hot and then cold and then hot again.
    The muscles in his arms and legs flexed in time to the beating of his heart. His breathing sped until he was panting as if he’d just finished running a marathon. He could hear Niall and Calysta monitoring his condition. Their voices a mere echo against the constant pounding of his heart.
    “His heart rate is too high. We need to give him the sedative,” Calysta screamed.
    “No!” Niall shouted. “Give it time. Rory’s strong. He can take it.”
    The fireworks exploding in Rory’s head slid in and out of focus. His world began to spin. He fought against the wave of nausea overtaking him. Trying to stop the motion and gain some semblance of control over his body only made his heart rate spike. Black dots drowned out the fireworks as he struggled to draw his next breath. The feeling of falling off of a cliff overtook the Guardsman as his vision narrowed to a single dim pinpoint of light.
    Screaming in his own mind, Rory knew the end was near. The warmth that seconds ago had spread throughout his veins now felt like the icy fingers of death. Pictures of his family and friends rolled through his single point of vision like a movie of his life, concluding with Claire’s beautiful face right before his body began to shake.
    Uncontrollable convulsions racked his lifeless body. More hands than he could count covered his arms, legs, and torso, holding him to the table. Shouts of confusion and fear filled his ears.
    “What’s happening?!” Rian shouted.
    “Is he still breathing?!” Royce bellowed.
    “You will not die!” Niall roared.
    “Rory, you stupid son of a bitch. Don’t you dare,” Kell yelled.
    “Let me near his heart,” Kayne commanded.
    The youngest O’Reilly brother tried to make out the rest but one sound overrode all the others. The sweet, soft sound of his mother’s voice surrounded by the scent of the flowers she’d always grown in her garden...
    “It is not your time, my son. Reach deep. Feel the power of our ancestors and of Lugh. Wake the dragon and live.”
    No sooner had the words floated across his mind than light as bright as the sun burst into view, setting him ablaze from the inside out. Through the fire he felt tiny pieces of himself knitting back together. The chaos receded. He was able to draw a long, deep breath. His heart slowed to its normal cadence. His body calmed. Floating back to reality, Rory thanked the Heavens, the ancestors, and his mother for his life. A miracle had just occurred. It was something he would never forget. Sentimentality wasn’t his thing but in this case, he couldn’t help himself.
    “ Mam go raibh maith agat. Mo ghrá thú .”
    He didn’t know how but he could feel his mother smiling down on him. With that all done, there was still one task he hadn’t figured out how to achieve – waking his slumbering beast.
    As if hearing Rory’s call, a roar exploded through his consciousness. Fire filled his vision. The sparkle of royal blue and iridescent green scales came into view while pushing against the underside of his skin. His muscles flexed as the strength of his beast burst into his every cell. The talons of his dragon elongated, pushing against the nails on his fingers and toes.
    White hot dragon magic filled both man and beast, attacking the inky black blobs of poison and chasing them from their system. Rory felt the taint drain from his body. It all happened so quickly he shook his head at all the hours he’d wasted lying helpless, but there was no time for lollygagging. His dragon roared again. This time more forcefully and infinitely more commanding. He was awake and demanding to see their mate.
    Calm down tiger. I gotta get us off this table first. 
    Another roar, another flash of fire, and a chuff of impatience was all the preparation Rory got as an influx of power and endorphins flooded his system. The old boy meant business. The

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