Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

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Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
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the surrogate father he’d always been, Niall raised his eyebrows and said, “You know exactly what I mean and don’t think I can’t or won’t still turn you over my knee if need be.”
    Rory burst out laughing at the mental image of Niall punishing him. Not that he doubted the elderly dragon would try, it was just that Rory was a good six inches taller and outweighed the healer by at least sixty pounds of muscle.
    Throwing his hands in front of him in a sign of surrender, Rory joked, “I got it. I’ll call if anything feels off. Now, can I please get the hell outta dodge.”
    Attempting to hold back a grin and failing miserably, Niall chuckled, “Get out of here, you pain in the tail.”
    “You don’t have to tell me twice.” Rory turned on his heel, grabbed a hug from Calysta, and headed for the door hollering, “Thank you,” over his shoulder.
    Running all the way home, simply enjoying the fresh air and sunshine he had been so sure he’d never see again, Rory raced in his house, straight up the stairs, and into the shower. The first of splash of warm, clean water on his skin was awesome as he stood under the spray and once again reached out to Claire.
    Thick, dark fog and hazy, out-of-focus images straight out of the old B horror movies Declan liked to watch filled their link. Pushing through her dreams, the cloying sweetness of medicinal herbs assaulted his senses. It suddenly all made sense. Slade was keeping Claire drugged to keep her from escaping. The strange mixture of aromatic plants was extremely strong. Just the scent of it had his dragon growling a warning, blowing smoke, and pawing at the ground.
    Claire was right and truly pissed as well. Searching for its fire, her phoenix was unable to connect. From his own experience he knew it was the herbs and also knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that was Malick’s motivation for using them. Rory had little to no knowledge of the capabilities of a phoenix, but if the images of charred griffins and burning buildings floating through his mate’s mind were any indication of what she could do, he couldn’t wait to see her in action.
    Claire? Can you hear me, mo banphrionsa fiery?
    A flood of confusion and frustration was the only answer Rory received. He could feel her struggling against the sedatives and pushed pure, white, dragon magic through their bond. His dragon chuffed, pushing hard against the containment of the Guardsman’s mind.
    Niall hadn’t been kidding when he said his beast was stronger since Kayne’s healing. Thankfully, Rory had been on the receiving end of that jolt of power too or he had no doubts the dragon would’ve already pushed free and taken to the skies to save their mate.
    Listening to the gentle beat of his phoenix’s heart as he washed the last remnants of herbs, clinic smell, and hellhound poison from his body, Rory realized his heart had slowed to match the rhythm of hers. He couldn’t help but smile. Their bodies were already coming into sync. It pleased him more than he could’ve ever imagined.
    Stepping out of the shower and toweling off, he looked in the mirror, not surprised the see a goofy smile underneath five days of stubble. It was the same sappy grin he’d seen on each of his brothers’ faces after meeting their mates. Shaking his head, he laughed out loud as he grabbed his shaving cream and razor. “I’m never gonna live this shit down.”
    “No, you’re not.” Royce chuckled.
    “Holy sh... You sacred the crap outta me.”
    “Off your game, little brother? Or was your mind somewhere else?” Roy leaned against the doorframe, grinning like the cat that ate the canary.
    Deciding it was easier to just fess up, Rory laughed as he spread shaving cream on his face. “Yeah, I was a little distracted.”
    “Mates’ll do that to ya’. Kell...” Roy’s words were cut off by the sounds of breaking glass and a booming ‘son of a bitch’, closely followed by a familiar feminine giggle that sounded like a

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