Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13)

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Book: Resurrecting Her Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 13) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Tags: greek gods, Dragons, Werewolves, shifters, phoenix
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Guardsman’s eyes popped open. He gasped a huge breath of antiseptic clinic air and sprang into a sitting position, chuckling. “I hear y’all are planning a war without me.”
    Stunned silence and shocked looks was the ‘welcome back to life’ he got. For three full seconds Rory stared at his friends and family as they tried to come to terms with his miraculous recovery. Along with his health had come his enhanced senses. He could hear their thoughts of disbelieve. Feel their hope that they weren’t dreaming or imagining that he was really sitting up and speaking.
    Tired of waiting, Rory did the only thing he could think of to ease their fears...he cracked another joke. “Did you ever hear the one about the dumbass dragon who was bitten by a hellhound?”

Chapter Five
    A fter the initial shock wore off, everyone had a good laugh. Rory must’ve answered the question, “you could really hear everything that was going on around you?” a hundred times. It seemed his brethren weren’t as cool with their touchy-feelies as they tried to act.
    Yep! I’ve got enough ammunition for years of the best jokes ever.
    After Niall shooed everyone out of the clinic, it took several hours before the old Healer and Calysta would deem Rory ready to reenter society. They were concerned about the huge red handprint Kayne had left on his chest while healing Rory with the power of the Sun or Lugh or whatever the hell it was. It seemed the demi-god didn’t know his own strength. The youngest O’Reilly brother tried to be upset about his new ‘tattoo’, which by the way, was over his heart and just under the head of his dragon marking, which took up the better part of his chest. But since it had saved his life he figured he could live with it.
    Kayne apologized over and over. Rory laughed out loud at the look of surprise on the demi-god’s face when he said, “Instinct just took over. I had no clue what was happening. One minute you were convulsing and the next I was reaching for your heart. Guess dear old Dad really wanted you to meet Claire. She always has been his favorite.”
    There’s a story there I’m gonna need to hear later...  
    As the Elder Healer and Grand Priestess checked him over from head to toe and inside and out more times than he was entirely comfortable with, Rory reached through their mating bond in an attempt to contact Claire. It surprised him how comfortable it felt; almost second nature to share his heart and soul with her. His dragon chuffed in agreement, adding to the power of their bond.
    I swear if Slade has touched a hair on her gorgeous head I will make sure he dies slowly and very, very painfully.
    “Are you sure you don’t have a headache? Any dizziness? Do you see or feel any residual hellhound toxin?” Calysta asked for literally the tenth time.
    “Nope. Nothing. I seriously feel better than ever.” Rory tried not to sound irritated but all he could think of, besides Claire, was a shower and to change into his own clothes. Not to mention he was more than ready to kick some griffin ass and get his mate.
    “I’m not surprised. I can feel how strong your dragon has become. Seems like Kayne’s jolt of power supercharged you both.” Niall was smiling but Rory could still hear skepticism in his voice.
    “What are you not saying, Niall?”
    “Nothing, not really. I just have no clue what, if any, side effects come from a jolt of god power. Be careful. Any sign of anything strange or unusual, please give me a call, or better yet, come find me.” Niall’s smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.
    “You mean stranger than finding out I really do have a mate and she’s a phoenix, which by the way I never really believed existed. Oh, and let’s not forget that she was kidnapped before I even met her and we need to go save her because she was kidnapped while coming to save me.” He chuckled. “If anything stranger than that happens, you’ll be the first person I call, Niall.”
    Looking like

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