For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3)

Read Online For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3) by Nora Flite - Free Book Online

Book: For the Bond (Romantic Suspense) (Beyond Blood, #3) by Nora Flite Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Flite
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speak. “Hey,” he said, cheerful and smooth. “Where are you?”
    Glancing at the girl across from me, I turned in my chair. “Just getting some coffee, what's up?”
    “Is she with you?”
    My heart skipped. “Yes.”
    He breathed out, the sound crackling in my ear. “Kite, I need you to listen very carefully.”
    Shutting my eyes, I showed my back to Marina and nodded to the air. Jacob was talking, a low rumble of a thundercloud. Tension built between my shoulder blades.
    True to my word, I listened carefully to every word that slid into my skull. It was good that I was looking away from Marina. The last thing I wanted was for her to see my expression. She must have noticed the tightness in my body, though. I was imitating a cinder block.
    Hidden from the world, my heart was a roiling sea.

- Chapter Seven -
    K ite was hunched away from me. Everything in his body language said this conversation was important. Secret. Lifting his head, he made a tiny sound of surprise. “The Calloway Club? Seriously?” Twisting, he stared at me from the corner of an eye. His lips moved, mouthing the words, 'I'll be right back.'
    Not taking his coat, he slid out the front door with the bell jingling after him. The cafe window showed me what he was doing; pacing, talking intensely on his phone. I was positive it was Jacob who'd called. My neck hairs were prickling already. What the hell was going on?
    I'd wanted to ask more about his tattoos. The explanation had been too intricate, a little poetic if you asked me. Poetic and Kite didn't go together in my brain. One of these things is not like the other...
    The door swung open. Kite power-walked back to me, shoving his phone into his jeans. He was positively sexy in his haphazard outfit, the guy could have worn a garbage bag and looked amazing somehow. Though, currently, the tight line of his mouth and frantic movement of his eyes wasn't super appealing. “What happened?” I asked, the instant he was within reach.
    “I need you to stay here.” Grabbing his coat, he slid it on quickly. “Actually, go back home. Just stay there, okay?”
    He towered over me, doing that thing where he tried to will me with his stare. Pushing my chair back so violently it screeched, I faced him down. “I'm not going anywhere. Tell me what that was all about? It was Jacob, wasn't it?”
    Kite took a tiny inhale. I saw his brain working. “Marina, please. I'll tell you what's going on, but only if you promise me you will just go home.”
    Home. I loved that he called it that. It hurt, too, a needle in my gut. “Fine. If it's—”
    “No, Marina.” Kite was quicksilver, gripping my shoulders and bending so we were eye to eye. Nothing but severe darkness coiled in his stare. “I'm not joking. I will tell you , but you have to promise me. Okay? Is that clear?”
    Holy shit, he wasn't playing. I thought of Kite as lighthearted, but right then, he was as frightening and unmoving as Jacob had ever been. The gravity of the situation made me lower my voice. Nerves forced my eyes to resist blinking. “Okay. Yeah, it's clear. I promise I'll go back to the apartment. Tell me what's happening.”
    He didn't let go of me. It was like, if he turned away, he thought I'd just dissipate into the sweet-smelling air. “We found him.”
    My knees buckled. Kite scooped under my arms to keep me on my feet. “You—what? You guys really found him?”
    “Jacob did. Shit, you need to sit down.”
    “No. I'm alright.” Commanding my spine to stop buckling, I rolled my shoulders back and impersonated all the powerful people I knew of. I had to be strong. This was it. “You're not kidding. This isn't like the charity ball, then.”
    His head jostled, brief and brisk. “It's real. Jacob is there, and I need to go meet him. Go back home, Marina.”
    All of my skin had turned clammy. I didn't feel my own body. “I have to come.”
    “You promised,” he growled. The severity of his

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