Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance)
away but not before his man called for help.
    When the others got there, they say they found him hunched behind the building holding his head as if in pain and mumbling incoherently. Mike didn’t press any charges because he thought the guy was a crazy person. He let him go and hadn’t seen him until the other day when he went with her.
    “I’ve been doing some reading on the internet since I found him. I don’t know much, but it seems he lost his memory after the incident with your men. Maybe I’m reaching here, but I have to at least know what has happened to him in order to help him. What if he consciously blocked out everything?”
    “Is that possible? Shouldn’t we call dad and Adam now?” Jacob asked.
    “Yes, he may need a physical as well.”
    Mike left them at the resort and Caroline could see that he was reluctant to leave. But she also knew he didn’t want to intrude on what had now become a family emergency. She and Jacob got busy making the necessary calls to the family and Dr. Mathias.
    Dr. Sutherland Sr. said he would leave immediately and fly over to be with her and make sure that Demetri was okay. Adam wanted to come as well, but there were patients that could not wait. He decided to come afterwards when his father returned.
    Madelyn was beside herself and assured her daughter that she would be there as soon as possible. “Mom, you don’t have to come all the way here.”
    “What do you mean? Demetri is like a son to me. He needs a mother’s love now. His own mother is no longer of this world and I am the only mother he’s known for the past few years, so just you try and stop me!”
    Caroline knew there was no use trying to persuade her so she let the subject go. “Okay mom, I’ll book a suite for you and dad.”
    “Is there anything you need?” Madelyn asked.
    “My photo album. The one with me and Demetri, and there’s a dog tag in the top drawer of my bureau.”
    “Okay honey, see you in a couple of days. Mommy loves you.”
    “I love you too Mom.”

    Chapter Eight
    Three days later….
    “Are sure about this?’ Demetri asked.
    Caroline had gone to see him about letting both her father and Dr. Mathias check him out. She was sure he would refuse but when he saw her, for the first time since she found him, he smiled at her. She told him that she thought he may have blocked out his memory because of what he’d been through and he agreed to see them.
    “At the very least, I want to know you are okay. I also wanted you to have this. Come when you are ready, okay, there’s no rush.”
    They were at his hut where she’d gone to see him early in the morning. She handed him their photo album with pictures of their relationship journey. When she left the hut, he was clutching it in his hands. Caroline didn’t want to pressure him, but she was anxious about whether or not he would show up. She could have taken her father and Dr. Mathias to him, but she didn’t want him to feel pressured. The psychiatrist agreed with her.
    Patiently, they waited for Demetri to come to them. He didn’t show up that day nor did he come the following day. Caroline was getting anxious. Her brother Jacob decided to go get him no matter what, but she stopped him, asking him to give Demetri time. That time never came. Four days later, she ran out of patience.
    “Okay, Jacob. Let’s go to him instead,” she anxiously declared.
    It was late afternoon when Dr. Mathias, her father, Jacob, and their mother all treaded the beach with her. This was in intervention and they hoped that he would realize he had a family who cared about him enough to allow the doctors to check him out.
    Caroline stopped in the clearing and looked around with confusion. She was sure this was the place. The hut was gone and so was Demetri. All that was left was the makeshift fire place he used to cook and keep warm. The thing he hung his clothes on was gone as well, along with the straw bed. There was no sign that anyone

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