alpha male,
navy seal,
Forever Love,
Single Woman,
Bonus Content,
Mourning Loss,
Remote Island,
was living there.
Her mother moved up behind her, “Are you sure this is the place, honey?”
“I’m sure, Mom.”
Like a zombie, she walked back to the hotel with her mother’s arm protectively around her shoulder. When they reached the resort, she asked to be left alone. They were on the strip of sand just a few meters from her suite.
“Go on in Mom, I need some time,” her voice was flat.
“Are you sure?” Madelyn asked.
She took a walk up the beach, away from where they came. It was where she and Demetri had their walk about a week ago. She’d taken his hand and led him up the sandy shore, telling him about their life together. She felt her grief surfacing all over again and she wished she hadn’t agreed to come on this trip.
With no clue how she was going to survive this, she continued walking. Caroline wasn’t sure if she should be angry or not. There were too many emotions swirling around inside her that she had no idea what to feel or think. She’d always thought that their love was strong enough to overcome anything, but obviously, she was wrong. She lost him…twice.
By the time she returned from her walk, the sun had disappeared below the horizon and a shadow was cast over the island. She heard chatter coming from her terrace but she didn’t stop. She continued down the beach. Some ways down, she found a secluded grassy area where she sat and watched the waves lap against the sand.
For hours, Caroline watched the waves roll in, mesmerized by the sound of the ocean. When she stood and slowly walked to the edge of the water, it felt like the most natural thing for her to do. It was as if the ocean was calling to her. All she wanted was to be swallowed up by it and let it wash away all her grief. The ocean she’d feared for a month now became her greatest ally, and she made the steps toward what she termed as her destiny.
The water was warm against her skin. That was a comfort. She was in almost waist deep when she felt someone grab her arm. She shrugged it off and continued moving, deeper and deeper into the water.
“Caroline!” It was Demetri’s voice.
Caroline thought she was hallucinating and moved another few steps before someone hugged her from behind. She wasn’t sure what was happening or who it was because all she wanted to do was disappear. Mentally, she’d left the world behind her.
“Don’t do this?’ his deep gravelly tone penetrated her psyche.
“Demetri?” she whispered.
“Yes, please don’t go into the ocean.”
“I have nothing…,” she sobbed.
He swept her up under her knees with one arm around her back and carried her back to shore, laying her on the sand. Caroline stared blankly into his face, then closed her eyes and turned away. She felt him place his finger under her chin and brought her face around.
“Caroline, you haven’t lost everything,” he said. “You’ve still got your family.”
“I don’t have you,” she whispered.
There was silence and then his lips were on hers, gently moving, asking for entry. Her eyes shot open at the shock of the contact. The kiss became more urgent and they were entwined together as Demetri pulled her close and engulfed her in his arms, all the while clinging to her mouth. He found her tongue and wrapped his around hers, stroking it lovingly.
Shock waves that travelled through her body and ignited her brain brought Caroline back to reality, and she reluctantly broke the kiss.
“Do you remember?” she smiled brightly.
“No. But when I looked through the album, I felt my heart beat rapidly just looking at you. I tried to get away and felt my heart break for you, so here I am.”
“Where were you? Were you trying to get away from me?”
“I needed some space to sort through everything in my head,” he told her. “But the further I went, the more I felt like I was in pain. I couldn’t get you out of my mind and that’s when I knew I had to come back and try.”
“Thanks for coming
S. J. A. Turney
Cherie Bennett
Richard Yaxley
E.G. Foley
Philip Kerr
Håkan Nesser
Marina Martindale
Tom Holt
Claire LaZebnik
Mary Daheim