slammed the screen closed. “That’s private.”
He raised an eyebrow at me and stepped back.
“You’re not really doing homework, are you? Please tell me you aren’t cyber stalking that guy?”
My eyes bounced between him and the laptop. “No, but you can’t just come in here and go through my things. I need my privacy sometimes.”
Wounded, he held a hand up and took a step back. “I’m just trying to help you. There’s no reason to blow up at me. What are you doing that’s so private anyway?”
I wrapped an arm around my waist as my eyes glazed over. “Aaron, please. It’s really none of your business.”
“Fine, forget it.” He threw his hands up in the air. “By the way, Marcus fixed your car for free. He’ll drop it off later,” he said before he rushed out of my room and slammed his bedroom door behind him.
I sunked back into my computer chair and flipped open the screen. Elizabeth’s profile picture stared back at me. I held my forehead. How was I supposed to keep this a secret?
The next day Clarissa came with me to kill Elizabeth Daily. Armed with the Dead Head app, we trailed her to the gym she had mentioned on her profile page. I sat in the car for ages gripping the steering wheel and staring at the gym. Was I really ready for this? One night class and I’d become a murderer over night.
“Take your time,” Clarissa said, filing her nails in the seat next to me. “You need to be ready. There are no second chances.”
I held my stomach as I looked at my sister, who was cheery and completely stress free. How could we both be faced with the same terrible job? “I don’t know if I can actually do this.”
“Don’t worry, you’ll be fine,” she said, blowing on her nails. “Everyone gets nervous their first time but it’s a piece of cake.” She carefully reached across the car and patted my knee. “No, mistakes, little sis.”
“I doubt she’ll feel like I did a good job when she’s lying on the floor with internal bleeding,” I snapped at her.
“Don’t be such a drama queen. She was always meant to die now. It’s her time, her destiny. You’re just the middle man between here and the afterlife.”
I reached into the back seat for my duffle bag and opened the car door. “Let’s just get this over with.”
“That’s the spirit. Believe me, you’ll feel so much better once this is all over with.”
We changed quickly in the locker room before walking into the equipment room and scanning the machines for Elizabeth.
“I don’t think she’s here,” I said.
“Only one way to find out. Check your app. Maybe she left?”
I pulled out my phone and traced her current location. A coffin on the screen showed she was still nearby.
“Let’s keep looking,” Clarissa said, directing me towards the juice bar.
I paused in the entrance when I saw a blonde with a high pony tail sitting at one of the tables with an amazingly buff guy across from her. That had to be her and hot gym guy. She was talking to him, finally. Good for her.
“Is that her?” Clarissa asked, motioning her head towards the table.
I lowered my head as I remembered why I was here.
“All you have to do is touch her skin and imagine a death for her. Your powers will do the rest. It’s easy,” Clarissa told me pushing me towards their table.
My legs felt like they were made of Jell-O as I made my way across the room. She laughed and touched the guy’s arm. Seriously? I had only just seen them together and I already shipped them. This situation was straight out of a Whedonesque plotline. She was happy and healthy, so why did she have to die now? The pit of my stomach ached and deep down I knew what I was about to do was wrong, possibly evil.
I glanced back towards the door but Clarissa saw me and stood in front of it. “Do it,” she mouthed from across the room.
The guy touched Elizabeth’s cheek, brushing a piece of hair from her eyes as he leaned towards her. Life really wasn’t
Carol Berkin
Kia Carrington-Russell
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