Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2)

Read Online Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder - Free Book Online

Book: Jax's Dilemma:Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 2) by Chiah Wilder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chiah Wilder
Tags: Fiction, Romance, MC
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herself on his lap, kissing him while caressing his chest with her breasts. She pushed him back down on the bed and rested her knees on either side of him, his length ready for some relief. He threw his head back, letting Peaches take him on a ride while he fantasized about his sweet Cherri.
    *     *     *
    When they entered the great room an hour later, Jax, with his arm around Peaches’ waist, spotted Gunner at the bar having a drink with Ruben. Gunner tilted his chin when he saw Jax, who nodded back with a clenched jaw. He thought the anger would have dissipated by that point, but he was still pissed as hell at Gunner and it took everything he had to hold back. He so fucking wanted to finish what he started the night before at Dream House with the old brother. Even though his body was ready to pounce, his mind told him he’d acted stupid, fighting a brother over a woman who wasn’t claimed. He was losing his grip with this one, and he knew Banger wasn’t going to put up with his shit at all.
    “I’d like some orange juice,” Peaches said.
    “Go into the kitchen and get it in the fridge. The bar doesn’t have any.”
    “Okay, be back in a minute.” She placed a kiss on Jax’s cheek and headed toward the kitchen.
    “Gimme a beer,” Jax said to the prospect who tended the bar. The prospect put a Coors in front of Jax. All the prospects were expected to know what each of the members drank—it was one of their duties. Jax lifted his chin at the prospect.
    “Heard there was some trouble at Dream House last night,” Hawk said as he clasped Jax on the shoulder.
    Jax shrugged as he took a big gulp from his beer bottle.
    “You need to back way the fuck off on this one. You starting shit like this with a brother over a stripper who isn’t interested in you is disrespectful and… pathetic. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt, and I know you were thinking with your dick instead of your head, but the shit that happened last night can’t happen again. You got that?”
    Jax hung his head. He’d always looked up to Hawk; ever since Hawk joined the Insurgents eleven years before, he treated Jax like a little brother. Hawk was a good ten years older than Jax, and when his father was murdered when Jax was eighteen years old, Hawk and the club were the stable force that helped him through the dark moments. Ever since, he could count on Hawk to be there for him when the demons started to creep in again.
    “Yeah, you’re right. I was outta line. I dunno, that bitch just has a hold of my cock.” Jax stared at his beer bottle.
    “Yeah, bitches can do that shit to us. Stick with Peaches. She hasn’t fucked any of the brothers but you, seems friendly, has a hot body, and she fuckin’ wants to be with you. Leave the other one alone—she’s messed up and seems like she has too much baggage she’s pulling along.”
    “Yeah, like Cara was so easy.” Jax stared at Hawk.
    Shaking his head, he said, “You got me there. Fuck, I’m the last one to give advice. Cara had me so mixed up I couldn’t think about anything but her. Hell, I still can’t get enough of her, and she’s my old lady now. But I never went against a brother for an unclaimed woman. Seems like this bitch wants Gunner. It sucks, but you gotta let it go.”
    Jax felt like Hawk just kicked him in the gut when he said Cherri wanted Gunner. He knew Hawk was right, but there was no fucking way he was giving up. He couldn’t forget about Cherri’s dainty body, her full lips, and her small tits. Knowing he couldn’t fight a brother on it again, he was still more determined than ever to make Cherri his.

Chapter Six
    “F uck! Like I need this shit,” Cherri said as she stepped on the wet kitchen floor. Looking at the overflowing sink, she groaned. “I’m so sick of everything right now.”
    “Sorry I can’t help you, but I gotta go to Dream House. I have a double-shift today,” said Amy, one of the two women with whom she shared the

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