
Read Online Redemption by Alla Kar - Free Book Online

Book: Redemption by Alla Kar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alla Kar
a problem?”
    Yes . “Does my dad know you’re coming?”
    He smiled, and I clutched the desk for support. That stupid shirt was too tight to his arms and stomach. I could make out the ridges underneath, and my fingers ached to touch. I had to make a run to the store so that he could wear things his size. This isn’t working for me . “You better get that.”
    Get what? I followed his pointed finger to the phone. Shit! Heath. The muffled sound of his screams were distant. “Neveah? Who is that?”
    “Don’t call me again. Bye,” I slammed the phone down on the receiver and sighed.
    His boots thudded heavily against the tile floor, and when I looked up he was leaning over the desk, staring at me. God, he needed to take several step back, or I was going to sweat. “That must be the famous fiancée of yours.”
    Who told him about that? “Ex-fiancée.”
    He grinned, sliding the tip of his index finger along the mahogany wood of the desk. “I would hope so since Lucy is gonna be eating his balls and all.”
    I didn’t want to laugh, but my giggle box betrayed me. “Ah, so she does smile,” he whispered.
    “Don’t get used to it,” I said, before turning my back to him. “Dad, Declan is here to see you,” I yelled.
    When I turned back his eyes drug up from my ass to my eyes. “You’re a runner, huh?”
    I blushed but kept my gaze steady. “Yes, and why, please tell, do you think that? Is it because you were checking out my ass?”
    His slightly upturned lip told me everything. “Absolutely, Angel. And what a nice ass it is.”
    “Hey!” Dad said from his office. “Come back here, and we’ll get started. It’s so good to see you up and walkin’.”
    Declan straightened, and I felt so small. “Yes, sir. I’m glad to be walking.” He casted his eyes toward me. “Nice talking to you, Neveah.”
    I ignored him, pretending to me interested in a random file on my desk, then watched as he walked down the hallway toward my dad’s office. God, even the way he walked was hot. Confident without coming off too cocky, with his hands pushed down into his pockets. A swagger bone deep that he carried with every movement. It wasn’t something you could mimic.
    I glanced down at Lucy who stared up at me. “It looks like this is going to be way harder than I thought.”
    Most of my day consisted of phone calls and random people coming in to talk about our offers. I handled most of it while trying to spy on Declan. Dad had him sparring with the boys, and I could hear his laugh over every other one in the damn place.
    Why did it have to be so sexy?
    Dad knocked his fingers against the door, sending me upright. “Why so sad?”
    I shrugged. “I’m not sad. I was just thinking.”
    He leaned against the doorjamb. “About Heath?”
    I snorted. No, about jumping the new guy’s bones. “No, Dad. Just thinking.”
    He rolled his eyes. “Why don’t you come out here and spar for a bit? You haven’t been in the ring since you got back.”
    I bounded out of my seat. I’d been needing an excuse to go inside all damn day. You’re about three hours late, Dad.
    “Sure can. I’ll be right there.”
    The door shut behind him, and I all but ran toward the gym. The smell of sweat was heavy in the air, but it didn’t gross me out because that’s what I associated with this gym. The smell of hard work, determination.
    It didn’t take me long to spot Declan. He leaned against the ropes, talking to my dad as Chase bounced around the ring. Both hands were wrapped around the ropes, his biceps flexed as he leaned forward, letting all his weight fall onto the ropes.
    “Well, what do we have here?” I glanced at Chase who wore a huge smile and leaned over the rope toward me. “Is that little helpless Neveah?”
    I grinned. “I’m in need of a hero, Chase. You’re in luck.”  Gripping the rope, I swung myself up and stopped an inch away from his face. Chase had been Dad’s prodigy since he stepped foot into the gym

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