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Book: Redemption by Alla Kar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alla Kar
when we were both ten.
    “You’re still as beautiful as the day is long,” he said.
    “Hey,” Dad said. “Don’t hit on my daughter unless you’re trying to knock her around the ring.”
    Chase barked out a laugh. “Then I’ll never get to hit on her. You know I can’t touch her in the ring.” He grabbed my hand and helped me over the ropes.
    Another fighter asked, “You fight?”
    I lifted my chin, ignoring the smug look on his face. “Better than you, I promise.”
    Dad chuckled, but my eyes settled on Declan’s. His body language was tense, his muscles tight and eyes hard.
    Chase’s laugh pulled my attention, thankfully. “Why don’t we show the new guys what you’re made of then.” He grabbed an extra pair of sparing gloves and tossed them to me.
    Dad smiled. “It’s nice to see you two together again. I’ve missed this.”
    I slid my hands into the gloves and watched as Chase stared at me from across the ring. “Ready?”
    I lifted a brow. “Are you?”
    Squaring his shoulders, he drug his glove across his nose. “You bet. I’ve been waiting for you to come home so I can hand you your own ass.”
    “When have you ever handed me my ass, Chase?”
    His grin said it all. “Y’all gonna fight or pull on each other’s dicks?” A kid from the side yelled.
    Dad shot him a dirty look. “That’s my daughter up there, kid. Watch your mouth.”
    He held his hands out in surrender, took a step back and pretended to zip his mouth closed.
    Chase and I made our way to the center and knocked gloves. “Get ready for an ass whopping,” he said.
    I rolled my eyes and took my stance. Chase was good enough to go pro, but I knew every trick he had up his sleeve. His foot tapped before each swing, and his eyes moved to the opposite side he was going to strike.
    He swung gently toward my left, and I sidestepped him. “Are we bullshitting or boxing?”
    His grin widened. He swung an uppercut my direction. We’d drawn a crowd, their voices louder with each swing and miss. “Damn Chase, I thought you were the champ. You’re lettin’ a girl kick your ass!”
    Chase grunted when I hit him in the ribs and fell on his ass when I stuck my foot out. The entire gym erupted into laughter. All my problems left my body at the sight of Chase’s big ass on the floor.
    “You still got it, baby girl,” Dad shouted behind me.
    Chase wiped the sweat from his eyes but despite the humiliation, he grinned. “Goddammit, I’ll never live that one down.”
    Smiling, I offered him my hand. He grabbed my wrist, pulled me to the floor, slung a leg over me and straddled my waist. His blue eyes were playful. “Cheater!” I screamed.
    “Get off my daughter, Chase!”
    “Your daughter likes it!” Chase yelled back.
    I erupted into a bellyaching laugh. Tears spilled from the corners of my eyes, because this felt so normal. This was my life, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed it.
    “Two seconds more and you’re running laps, Chase!” Dad yelled.
    Chase smiled down at me. “Good job, babe. I missed you.”
    Rolling my eyes, I shoved his chest until he helped me up. Chase wrapped an arm around my shoulder and kissed my hairline.
    “Anybody else interested in letting my daughter kick their asses?” Dad asked, hands outstretched, a smug grin on his face. 
    Wiping my brow, I dropped my head and laughed. God I miss this place. When I glanced up I couldn’t help but look at Declan. My inkling was right, he was glaring at me. And I felt it. Something heavenly dark swarmed his face and drew point in his dark eyes. My mouth dried, and my sex clenched tighter. I felt myself matching his heavy breaths and not caring that he was mind-fucking me in front of a room full of people. There was absolutely no denying that he was turned on beyond belief and angry as fuck.
    “How about you Declan? You ever box?”
    I glanced down immediately, not wanting anyone to know I’d been staring back at him. Or that just his eyes made my body

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