Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf)

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Book: Darkness Falls (Tales of the Wolf) by A.E. McCullough Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.E. McCullough
among the haflings, unfortunately.
    Matanza waited until everyone of importance was seated before speaking. “You say that the dark times foretold are upon us. How does this concern us?”
    “I cannot completely explain all that I know but you and I know full well of what the prophecy says.”
    Broun interrupted. “And that time is now?”
    Anasazi nodded. “I believe so.”
    Matanza rubbed his chin. “Not that I’m doubting your word but,” he gestured to his counterparts, “the Elders need more than just your words.”
    Anasazi took a moment and gazed at each of the elders. They were old and weathered. Each had led their particular herd for many, many seasons. Matanza was, by far, the youngest of the chieftains but he was also the most respected. “Let me ask you something first. I noticed that there are only eight of you here. According to my sources, the Great Herd numbers fifteen. Where are the rest?”
    The buckskin Chief Jerarca, Cazador’s father, stammered and began to make excuses.
    Anasazi forestalled him with a wave of his hand.
    “No need to explain, I know the truth. They have gone rogue. While they have not joined the forces of darkness, they will not fight on the side of the light either. They have forsaken Cherion and all of his teachings.”
    Jerarca’s surprise was clearly written on his face. “That is right. How did you know?”
    “I have my sources. The animals bring me news from all over Terreth. However, you should know that this is not an isolated event. All across Terreth similar fates have occurred among men, minotaurs and even elves. Very soon we will learn the truth of the line; brother will face brother when the darkness falls .”
    Jerarca asked, “What can we do?”
    “Survive.” Anasazi became deadly serious. “What one cannot change, one must endure. I have long contemplated every prophecy and poem concerning the fall of the Dhyana and no matter which culture or century they were written in, they all foretell of a time of great darkness. Just like the seasons, before the spring there must be a winter. This has been our autumn, winter is upon us.”
    Matanza nodded. “As always your advice is welcomed. We shall contemplate on it.”
    “Your fate is your own. I can do naught but pass on simple words of wisdom.” Anasazi stood up. “Now if you will excuse me, Graytael and I will get some sleep and be gone before first light. We have a long journey ahead of us.”
    The ever-inquisitive Broun asked, “Where are you two heading?”
    “This I know to be true, Graytael must visit the homelands of his parents before the rising of the full moon.” Without further explanation, the old shaman walked from the great lodge of the Centaurs and left them to discuss the implications of the coming darkness.
    *    *    *    *    *
    They had departed the winter camp of the Centaurs an hour before sunrise and reached the canopy of the forest even as the sun broke the horizon. This section of the forest was well known to the young half-elf. It was here that he did most of his hunting for the Inn. However, by noon, they had entered an area of the forest that had been off limits to him his entire life.
    The old shaman set a blistering pace all day long that the young half-elf had to struggle to keep up. Any questions he had been able to ask were answered with the same response of “later.” After the third attempt, Graytael had given up and quietly followed his uncle through the long day. Experience had taught him that when Anasazi was like this, patience was the key. He would explain what he needed to know at his own time.
    The sun was setting when Anasazi finally stepped off the path. Once Gray realized that they were making camp for the night and he began gathering firewood that was along their path. He only picked up dead or fallen branches but in this section of the forest, there was plenty to be found. When they reached the spot Anasazi had picked out for their campsite, he

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