Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club)

Read Online Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline - Free Book Online

Book: Purge (Death Crusaders Motorcycle Club) by Sandy Kline Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy Kline
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direction, take one more step when the door bursts open. Two men in black
with masks over their heads burst into the room. I’m so shocked I stumble
backwards, landing painfully on my ass. That little stunt saves my life as the
first burst of gunfire sears the air just over my head! Pain shoots across my
lower back, taking my breath away as I land on my gun. Both men step into the
room and one slams the door behind him as the other re orients his gun on me.
    That’s when Mark springs into
action. As the door starts to swing shut he steps out from behind it, puts the
barrel of his gun to the closest man’s temple and squeezes the trigger. His
body lurches forward as bone bits, brain and blood showers my face and upper
body. I just barely manage to roll to the side preventing him from falling on
top of me.
    The second man turns to face
Mark. His gun jumps and flames shoot out of the barrel dangerously close to
Mark. The first bullet catches him in the middle of his chest sending him
crashing against the wall. I see a bright red spray of blood as the second
bullet tears into his left arm. Mark slides to the floor.
    As the man advances on Mark I
twist around painfully and reach behind my back  for my gun, praying I didn’t
put the safety on when I stuffed it in my waistband. My whole world seems to be
mired in molasses as the masked man brings his gun to bear on Mark, aiming for
his head this time. When my hand finally clasps around my own weapon it seems
like it takes forever. I have no time to aim and as I squeeze the trigger two
thoughts are in my head. I hope I don’t accidently shoot Mark and maybe I
should shoot Mark. It would certainly solve one problem.
    My gun jumps in my hand as
superheated gasses explode from the barrel. I had intended to shoot several
times but the damn thing comes flipping out of my grip as I shoot and lands in
my lap. At first I’m sure I missed. No way could I have hit the guy even though
he is like five feet from me. But to my shock his knees buckle and he drops to
the floor, falling backwards and on top of my legs. I scramble for my gun but it’s
pinned beneath the masked man. Terrified he will shoot me now I thrash about
crazily, trying to get out from underneath him. My ears are ringing like
Christmas bells and my mouth has this coppery, nasty warm taste of blood; and
it’s not mine either.
    Finally I get out from
beneath the guy. Once on my hands and knees I just keep crawling for the space
underneath the desk nearest me. I’m too terrified to even turn around. If he’s
gonna shoot me I don’t wanna see it. He can shoot me in the back for all I
    “Jen! Jennifer…it’s okay.”
Whispers a voice.
    I keep my crawling and I
don’t stop until I’m under the tiny desk where I draw my knees up to my chin
and burry my face.
    “Jennifer, it’s okay.”
    Slowly I look up. Mark is
kneeling in front of me, blood running from his left arm. I can’t believe he’s
    “He…he s-shot you in the
c-chest.” I stammer. “How are y-you even a-alive?”
    For an answer he pulls down
the collar of his shirt to reveal a bullet proof vest. The he lifts up the
bottom of his tee shirt to reveal a tiny round piece of lead sunk partway into
his vest.
    “Oh my god…holy smokes
there’s the bullet. Does it hurt?”
    “It actually hurts worse than
the one that hit my arm. I feel like I just got hit with a sledge hammer.”
    “Oh shit, I forgot.”
    He starts to remove his
leather jacket but his arm’s not moving so well so I crawl out of my little
hiding place to assist. When we get his jacket off, I help him peel off his
shirt. I start to use it to wipe the blood from his arm but he stops me and
takes it and instead wipes off my face. All of a sudden my stomach begins to
roll. I barely have time to grab the trash can next to me before puking into
it. I don’t know if I’ll ever get the taste of gore out of my mouth and the
smell is just as bad.
    As I lift my head from the
basket a

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