Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo

Read Online Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo by Charles Tang - Free Book Online

Book: Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo by Charles Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Tang
Tags: Ebook
I’ll be grateful. I don’t want any trouble by dealing with a stolen monkey!”
    Edward wrote out the check, mumbling, “I’ll take this out of Mac Thatcher’s hide!”
    Benny talked to Amos, and the bright-eyed monkey responded by chattering and sticking out a paw.
    Violet leaned down to the cage and said softly, “You’re going home now, Amos.”
    â€œNot quite to the zoo yet,” Edward said grimly. He turned to the white-faced clerk. “May I use your telephone?”
    â€œHelp yourself.”
    Dialing the Rosedale police, he told them a few things that had happened at the zoo and asked them to meet him at Mac Thatcher’s house, giving them the address.
    Henry wondered how he knew Mac’s address.
    â€œLet’s go to Mac Thatcher’s, James,” Edward said, his face a thundercloud. “Now Mac will pay for what he’s done.”
    The children scrambled into the station wagon. Benny sat in the very back with Amos. Jessie tried to piece together what had happened, but decided she’d better be patient and ask Edward later.
    Grandfather, not losing a minute, drove out of the parking space and headed back to Rosedale. If he’d had a siren, it would have been going full blast.
    â€œHow do you know where Mac Thatcher lives?” Jessie ventured to ask.
    â€œOh, I know a lot about Mac,” Edward said. “You see, he used to work for me. He was a lazy worker, often forgetting to feed the animals. Or he’d be late for work, neglecting his tasks.”
    Henry nodded. “That sounds like Mac. We were in his bookstore, and he hadn’t fed Scamper, either.”
    â€œScamper?” Edward questioned.
    â€œScamper’s a cute little dog,” Benny explained. “If we didn’t have Watch, I’d like to take him home.”
    â€œHe is a sweet dog,” Jessie added. “You could tell by the way Mac treated him that he didn’t get any attention or love.”
    Edward continued, “I just couldn’t have an employee who was irresponsible with my animals.” His eyes flashed, remembering. “He didn’t even like animals. A zoo is no place for a person who dislikes animals.”
    â€œThat’s terrible!” Violet whispered, her face stricken.
    Entering Rosedale, Edward directed, “Turn left at the light, James. Anyway, I fired Mac,” he continued, “and hired Pat.”
    â€œI can see why,” Henry said.
    â€œYou can’t have someone unreliable working with animals,” Edward said. “He not only forgot to feed some of them, but he didn’t clean out their homes, either.” He shook his head. “If you work with animals, you must be very responsible.”
    â€œI wonder if Mac emptied the seals’ pool and changed temperatures, and did all those other mean things?” Violet asked.
    â€œWell, he was angry with me for firing him, but we have no proof that he did those other things,” Edward replied. “One thing for sure, though, is that he’s going to answer for stealing Amos! He took him because he just wanted to get back at me any way he could.” He pointed. “Third house on the left, James.”
    Suddenly, Mac dashed out carrying a suitcase. He opened the trunk of his car.
    Turning, he saw the Aldens and Edward. He pressed his lips together and waited for them to get out of the car.
    â€œWhat do you want now?” he sneered, folding his arms across his chest. “You follow me to the pet shop and now you follow me to my house!”
    â€œI think you know why we’re here,” Edward said calmly, his eyes never leaving Mac’s frowning face.
    â€œYou stole Amos and sold him to the pet shop!” Benny said in an accusing tone. “We saw you!”
    â€œNo, I didn’t,” Mac retorted, an edge to his voice. “That monkey was nothing but trouble. Why would I want to steal him?”
    â€œFor the

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