Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo

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Book: Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo by Charles Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Tang
Tags: Ebook
money,” Edward said shortly. “We went to the pet shop and rescued Amos. The monkey is in the station wagon. I’ve positively identified him! And,” he added, “the clerk can positively identify you !”
    Mac glanced at the car and saw Amos in the cage. “Okay, so I tried to sell your monkey,” he admitted. “I didn’t get much money for him.” He shot Edward a hateful look. “After all, I lost my job and my salary!”
    Edward calmly replied, “You deserved to be let go, Mac Thatcher, and I think you know it. I wouldn’t put it past you to have drained the seals’ pool, changed the temperatures, and stolen my files!”
    Mac gritted his teeth in annoyance. “Well, I didn’t do it! All I did was take a measly monkey.”
    Doubtfully, Jessie stared at Mac. She didn’t like his mean little eyes and narrow dark face. But she realized that didn’t make him guilty.
    â€œDid you change all the names of the animals?” Benny asked.
    Mac looked surprised. “What do you mean?”
    â€œThe giraffes’ sign was put in front of the bears, and the monkeys’ sign was in front of the elephants,” Violet explained.
    Mac snorted. “I never heard of such a thing!” Abruptly, he yanked the keys out of the trunk, and they dropped in the street.
    â€œWait a minute!” Edward shouted, scooping up the keys, and dangling them before Mac’s eyes. “Why do you have my zoo office key and the key to the gates?”
    â€œI forgot to turn in the fool things,” Mac said stiffly, but he bit his lip in confusion.
    â€œI don’t think so,” Edward said icily. “You did turn in your keys, but first you had a second set made. This explains how you got into the zoo. You knew all about the zoo’s wires, how to change the temperature, and where the files were kept, didn’t you?”
    Sullen, Mac stared at the ground.
    â€œWe saw you several times at the zoo, too,” Henry said. “Now we know why.”
    â€œYes,” Benny said, nodding his head vigorously, “and you asked us a lot of questions about the zoo!” He stuck out his chin, daring Mac to contradict him.
    Mac’s eyes shifted from one to the other, then back to the telltale keys.
    â€œAll right!” Mac growled. “I guess you’ve got me. Sure I did all the things you mentioned! Why shouldn’t I?” Mac paused, his eyes narrowing. “You had it coming! No one fires Mac Thatcher and gets away with it. I’d be happy if your zoo closed.”
    â€œYou hurt the animals!” Benny said, his disbelieving eyes opening wide.
    â€œIf it hadn’t been for you kids and that mangy monkey, you’d never be the wiser.” He snatched the keys from Edward’s hands. “But try and stop me! I’m leaving Rosedale forever!”
    Suddenly, a police car pulled up and two policemen jumped out.
    Quickly, Edward told the police lieutenant the story of his animals and what had been done to them. “I’m sure the files will be in the house.”
    The first policeman arrested Mac and ordered him into the back of the squad car. The lieutenant entered the house with Edward and the Aldens. Sure enough, the files were stacked in a corner.
    Henry and Jessie picked up the important papers and carried them out to the car.
    Scamper dashed outside with them, then stood on his hind legs.
    â€œWho will take care of Scamper?” Benny wailed. “If Mac goes to jail, there won’t be anyone to feed him.”
    Edward reached down and scratched the dog under its chin. Scamper eagerly licked his fingers. “Well, Scamper, it looks like you’ll be coming home with me. I’d like a little fellow like you around the house.”
    â€œOh, good,” Violet said, petting Scamper.
    The dog looked at them with his big dark eyes. He obviously wanted someone to love and to be loved himself.

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