Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo

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Book: Mystery of the Mixed-Up Zoo by Charles Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Tang
Tags: Ebook
found a leash and fastened it to Scamper’s collar and led him outdoors. “By the way, officer, Mac Thatcher owes me five hundred dollars. That’s the money he made when he stole my monkey from the zoo and sold him.”
    â€œCome down to the station in a few hours and swear out a complaint,” the officer said, “and we’ll see that you get your money.”
    â€œThanks, officer,” Edward said, with a wave. After the police car left, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned to the Aldens and the old twinkle crept back into his eyes. “To the zoo, James!”
    Arriving at the gates, Edward immediately let Scamper out, holding onto the leash, and with his other hand took the cage to the Monkey House and opened it. At first the monkey stood quite still, then suddenly he erupted into a ball of energy. He leapt up, grabbed the trapeze and swung wildly back and forth. Then he grasped a tree branch and climbed to the top.
    As they watched the monkey, a high-pitched voice interrupted them. “Yoo-hoo, Edward Marlow.”
    In dismay the children turned and saw Helen Brooks bearing down on them, her high heels clicking determinedly.
    Not Helen Brooks, Violet thought, her heart skipping a beat. In the joy of finding Amos and uncovering Mac Thatcher, she’d almost forgotten the woman who wanted to close the zoo. But now here was Helen Brooks to ruin the day.

    A Change of Heart
    H elen Brooks faced Edward Marlow.
    â€œHello, Helen,” Edward greeted her coolly.
    â€œI hear your zoo has been having lots of problems,” Helen said. “You can’t keep the animals quiet if something is bothering them!”
    â€œYes,” Edward admitted. “But we’ve found the one responsible for the zoo’s troubles.”
    â€œI knew something was going on,” she said smugly. “What I want to know is are these troubles really over?” She shook a red fingernail under Edward’s nose.
    â€œThe troubles are over,” Edward said calmly. Then he glared at her. “Except for you, Helen.”
    Helen drew herself up and straightened her purple hat. “You don’t need to worry about me any longer.”
    â€œWhat do you mean?” Henry asked. “Aren’t you trying to close Edward’s zoo?”
    â€œNot anymore,” Helen said, lifting her chin and pressing her lips into a thin line.
    Edward’s eyes opened wide. “You mean you’re not bringing this before the town council?”
    â€œActually, no,” Helen said, gazing down at her oversized purse. “You see, I had a talk with my fellow council members, and they informed me that they’d never vote to close the zoo. They said it gave too much pleasure to the people of Rosedale.” She met Edward’s eyes. “I know when I’m defeated.”
    Edward grabbed Helen’s hand and shook it up and down. “Thank you! Thank you!”
    â€œAnd you know I’ve often sat in my car in front of the zoo to see if I could find something wrong.” Helen managed a smile. “The only thing I saw were a lot of happy faces.”
    â€œThat’s great news, Miss Brooks,” Violet said shyly. “The zoo is really a wonderful place.”
    Helen glanced at Violet. “Yes, it is, dear,” she murmured.
    â€œI’m glad you don’t want to close the zoo,” Benny said, grinning at her.
    â€œYou know something,” Helen said. “I’m glad, too.”
    They told Helen good-bye, and Grandfather said, “We’ve got to say good-bye, too.”
    â€œYes, Watch and Mrs. McGregor will wonder what happened to us,” Jessie said.
    â€œI’m so glad you don’t have to worry about the zoo being closed,” Violet said, a smile lighting her pretty face.
    â€œSo am I!” Edward said emphatically.
    â€œSurely you’ll be able to stay one more day,” Edward said.
    â€œYes, there are a few

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