A Very Grey Christmas

Read Online A Very Grey Christmas by T.A. Foster - Free Book Online

Book: A Very Grey Christmas by T.A. Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: T.A. Foster
Tags: Romance
brow furrowed. “I need to move a few.” He squatted next to the curb and rearranged the bags.
    “They’re fine. They’re more than fine. I think they are perfect.”
    I could tell he wasn’t satisfied. I guess I was lucky he didn’t bring a tape measure from the garage and mark off the inches.
    I turned toward the Turnwells. “Ok, now this side of the street.”
    He wheeled the wagon over the asphalt and started a neat line of the paper bags. It looked like he was even more determined this time to make sure they were the right distance from each other.
    When he finished, we stood back and surveyed the rows.
    “Wait until we light them. You’re going to love it.” I looked up at him.
    “Oh, I want to do that part.”
    “I should have guessed. It’s the fire thing, right? Anything with fire?”
    He chuckled. “You know me so well.”
    Right then, I thought I knew everything about this man. His loves, his wants, his dreams. How he liked his coffee, his workout schedule, his favorite teams, which boot he pulled on first, how he liked me to kiss him, how he liked me under the sheets. Everything. I couldn’t imagine knowing another human being like I knew him.
    I clasped his hand and we walked up the driveway.

    Christmas Eve night was the one night during Christmas week that we dressed up. My father wore a tie and my mother wore a cocktail dress for dinner. They served wine, the house was lit with candles, and my father kept a fire blazing in the fireplace all night. On top of that, we each got to play our favorite Christmas playlist.
    I opted for jazzy Christmas favorites, while my mother always chose the classics.
    I fastened a pendant around my neck as Grey’s arms circled my waist. I smiled at our reflection in the mirror.
    “You ready for Christmas Eve dinner?” I asked, leaning into his shoulder.
    “Actually, I’m ready to spend some time with you.” He spun me so I was facing him. “We’ve been working all day on projects. What about you, me, and a bottle of wine?” His mouth descended to my neck.
    I moaned and pressed my palms against his chest. “We can’t. This is the special night.” I used air quotes.
    “I thought all the nights around here were special.” He smiled, while his eyes focused just below the pendant on my chest.
    I stepped backward and slipped into my heels. “They are. They definitely are.”
    “All right. But do I fit in? I didn’t bring a tie.” Grey had on his darkest jeans and a button-up white shirt.
    “You look hot.” I winked. “Come on. I can see my mom peeking out the kitchen window.”
    We made the short walk to the house and hurried inside out of the cold.
    “There you are!” Mom acted as if she hadn’t just seen us an hour ago. We had spent the entire day with them and only left after all of the luminaries were lit.
    I crossed the kitchen to give her a hug.
    “I love your dress.”
    She had on a dark emerald cocktail gown that stopped above the knee. Her hair was down around her shoulders, and I noticed the bling on her ears.
    “Wait, are those new?” I pointed to the earrings.
    “Yes. What do you think? Your father just surprised me with them.” She shifted her blond hair so I could catch a full glimpse of the diamonds.
    “Wow. Dad did great.”
    “Are you talking about me?” He waltzed into the room.
    “Yes, just loving the present you got Mom.” I gave him a hug.
    “I thought they would look good on her.” He moved past me to kiss her on the cheek.
    I looked at Grey. He was smiling.
    The diamond earrings were gorgeous, the turkey in the oven smelled delicious, and the neighborhood luminaries were beautiful, but I knew none of those things mattered. I didn’t care if I never got another Christmas present. All I wanted for Christmas was under the same roof. I couldn’t think of one single thing that was missing.

“M erry Christmas, darlin’.”
    I heard the words Grey muttered in my ear as I tried to climb out of a deep sleep.

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