Men Times Three

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Book: Men Times Three by Bonnie Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Edwards
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mouth. “Toss in some Epsom salts and I’ll take you up on the bath.” When she picked up her dusting rag, he picked up the table and watched as she dropped out of sight behind the counter to continue cleaning. “Ugh, it’s filthy in these drawers and I think I see—whoa—could you come here please?” Her voice went hollow so he set the table down and moved fast. Thump. “Tell me this isn’t what I think it is.”
    She’d landed on her butt in the dust, a look of horror on her face. She’d pulled the bottom drawer all the way out for cleaning.
    â€œOh, hell, we’ll have to call an exterminator and the sooner the better, because that’s one big ugly rat.”
    â€œHow long’s it been dead d’you think?” She shuddered again. He reached a hand down to help her up. She took it and he pulled her up fast. Her breasts mashed against his chest as he steadied her.
    He tilted his head toward the drawer. “It’s been dead a long time, but where there’s one, there’s more. I can’t see how it got in, there are no chew marks on the drawer.”
    She leaned against him. “Did the kids just stick it in there to die of starvation?”
    â€œNot likely.” He slipped his arm around her. “No gnaw marks on the inside either.”
    â€œI’ll have to disinfect this whole area.” She stepped away from him and he felt the loss. She dropped to her knees in front of him and slipped on rubber gloves. “Why do I get the feeling this makes you happy?”
    She looked up into his face with a suspicious expression. From here it wouldn’t take much to peer down her cleavage or slip his hand behind her head and tug her toward—he cut off the thought. No good could come of rushing her.
    â€œMe? No, I’m not glad you’ve got a rat problem. It’s gross.” But having rats in the inn would keep her at his place longer than she planned. Which suited him just fine. He opened his hands to take the drawer. “I’ll take care of this.”
    â€œThanks, again. Furniture mover, rat remover. You’re a multi-talented man.” She slipped her palm into his, with a sweetly sexual expression that sent a jolt of lust into his gut. He controlled his movements so that when she stood, he didn’t even grab her close. Instead, he played the gentleman and let go of her hand.
    Played was the right term. This was a game they’d entered. A sexual game of thrust and parry and come hither looks that could kill him before he got where he wanted to go.
    Or maybe not.
    She slapped at the dust on her shorts and stepped away with a briskness that showed no interest. Unless dumping a bucket of black filthy water counted. She carried the bucket out to the kitchen and dumped it down the old porcelain sink.
    He picked up the drawer and then walked past her out the back door. “I’ll make sure that cellar door’s secure for the night.”
    â€œI’ll get a set of security lights with motion detectors first thing in the morning,” she called out after him.
    Another thing for him to do for her. At this rate, he’d be in sweet clover in no time.
    In his pickup truck an hour later, he watched as she buckled her seat belt and released the elastic band she’d used to cinch her hair at the nape of her neck. Her hair fell free and he wanted to run his fingers through it so badly he clenched his teeth to stop himself.
    The air and stillness in the cab filled out, moist and heavy when she turned her half-lidded eyes on him. “Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate it.” She slid her palm up his forearm and back to her thigh before he could capture it.
    â€œNo problem. I’m here to serve.”
    â€œRight. Then take me home, TJ. I’m not going to pretend that soaker tub isn’t calling me. I’ll be stiff and sore in the morning, but a hot bath will do wonders for me

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