Harlequin KISS August 2014 Bundle

Read Online Harlequin KISS August 2014 Bundle by Avril Tremayne and Nina Milne Aimee Carson Amy Andrews - Free Book Online

Book: Harlequin KISS August 2014 Bundle by Avril Tremayne and Nina Milne Aimee Carson Amy Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Avril Tremayne and Nina Milne Aimee Carson Amy Andrews
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interrupted. ‘He was getting up to have a shower when I left him.’
    The table fell instantly silent and every set of eyes swivelled to her. It took a moment for Claudia to figure out why until she glanced at Avery’s huge goggle eyes.
    ‘Oh...not like that,’ she said hurriedly. ‘I was just telling him about my ideas for the resort. I thought he was an early riser too. I didn’t think he’d be asleep when I went through the connecting door.’
    More silence. ‘He was asleep?’ Gloria finally asked.
    ‘Like a log,’ Claudia confirmed.
    Luke’s parents looked at each other and Claudia was struck as per usual by how Luke wasa perfect combination of both of them. His father’s build, his mother’s brown eyes and gorgeous complexion. ‘Does he still sleep in the buff?’ Brian asked.
    Claudia averted her gaze as a tide of heat rose to her cheeks, missing the wink Brian shot Jonah. ‘Apparently,’ she said, forcing her voice to sound normal and not crack as she thought about those abs.
    That happy trail.
    She glancedat Avery, preferring not to be looking at Brian as she thought about his almost naked son. Brian who was very much the blueprint for Luke. Avery was sharing a loaded look with Gloria.
    ‘He’s leaving on the evening plane tomorrow,’ she blurted out. Claudia wasn’t exactly sure why she’d said it but it seemed important for them all to know that Luke wasn’t part of the Tropicana equation.
    Wasn’t part of her equation.
    ‘Well, that’s a shame,’ Gloria said.
    Claudia couldn’t agree more but for some strange reason she felt compelled to defend him. ‘His career is important to him.’
    Gloria patted Claudia’s hand. ‘Yes, dear, we know. Now...’ she picked up her cup of tea ‘...tell us about these plans you were discussing with Luke.’
    Pleased for the change in subject, Claudialaunched into her spiel with enthusiasm. There was so much she didn’t know yet, so much she still had to figure out, but she couldn’t deny the excitement that fizzed through her veins.
    The last year or so she’d felt as if she’d been going through the motions. Sure, she loved the Tropicana unconditionally , had never thought to change a single thing, but now change had been forced upon herwhether she liked it or not.
    It had been a revelation realising that she’d never been particularly challenged here—she could do what she did in her sleep with her clipboard tied behind her back.
    It had been a revelation realising that she wanted change.
    Still, she was nervous. Ownership of the resort wasn’t hers—their parents had just handed over management rights. She had to convincethem. Get them on board.
    Their enthusiastic nodding helped put her mind at ease. Avery was over-the-moon excited.
    ‘And Luke supports this too?’ Gloria asked.
    ‘He sure does,’ came a voice from behind them.
    Claudia watched as first his parents then her parents embraced Luke. It was heartening to see how close he was with her family too. He was wearing another pair of boardiesand a T-shirt and the hem lifted a little to reveal a peek of those smooth abs she’d seen in full Technicolor not that long ago. She dragged her gaze away.
    When the greetings were finally done he pulled up the chair beside her and gave her a smile. ‘It’s like a family reunion,’ he said.
    Claudia smiled back, forgetting the abs for a moment. It had been a long time since they’d all satdown to a meal together and she felt strangely nostalgic.
    ‘So you’re leaving tomorrow?’ Lena, Claudia’s mum, asked. She was petite and blonde like her daughter and always cut straight to the chase.
    Luke nodded. ‘No need for me to stick around. The clean-up is largely done and Claude and I are both on the same page with the direction of the resort. I can leave it in her very capable handsand we can communicate via email.’
    Luke didn’t notice the look his mother and Claudia’s mother shared with Avery. He was tucking into the bacon that

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