Men Times Three

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Book: Men Times Three by Bonnie Edwards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Edwards
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was here now, and here is where he planned to stay.
    The sound of water draining from the tub alerted him to her imminent arrival. Distracted, he burned his hand on the kettle when he reached for it to pour her a cup of tea. “Damn it.” He flicked his hand and stuck his burnt fingertip into his mouth.
    â€œPoor baby, want me to do that for you?” she asked from behind him. Close behind him. She was light on her feet, or he’d have heard her.
    She grabbed his hand away from his mouth.
    And damn if she didn’t do exactly what she offered.
    The feel of her warm wet mouth on his finger blew his mind. What was left of it shattered further with the way she pressed his forearm to her chest, wedging it between her breasts. Her wicked tongue swirled around his burnt fingertip once, twice.
    Three times.
    She released him with a soft seductive pop and then stepped back out of reach.
    The kettle whistled while his pulse pounded in the rush of blood to his cock.
    Every male hormone he possessed told him to lean in, grab her and finish the race, but her impish look of triumph stopped him before he made a fool of himself.
    She was a witch who knew how to wield every weapon at her disposal.
    With a wink, she slipped to the far side of the sandwich bar and took a seat on a stool. Like a prim miss, she gathered the sides of her short robe and propped her chin on her hand. “What’s for dinner?”
    Two hours after he’d had the life sucked out of his finger, TJ headed for the staircase. His cock had been hard all through dinner and hadn’t subsided until Marnie had disappeared into the guest room.
    He’d taken care of some business calls and tracked his youngest brother’s movements to an island in the Caribbean. Eli answered after three rings.
    â€œThere’s a woman here, Teeje.” He used the name he’d always used as a kid.
    â€œThere’s always a woman somewhere, Eli. But unless she lives in Port Townsend and knows how to wire a log building, I’m not interested in hearing about her.”
    â€œYou’ve got to get a life, Teeje.”
    He rubbed the back of his neck. Eli had no idea he wanted exactly that. A life. But for now he might have to settle for the woman upstairs. He had no doubt they were in the initial stages of an affair. He wasn’t stupid enough to say no to Marnie. But his ultimate goal had nothing to do with a temporary woman.
    Caribbean music blared in the background and he plugged his other ear to hear better. “O’Banion Construction’s headed into a busy summer. We’re finally building those cabins Jon Dawson talked about.”
    â€œI heard about old Jon. Sorry about that; I know you thought of him as a good friend.”
    â€œI may have been his only one.” They’d never seen much of each other, but when they did, they’d packed a lot of talking in.
    â€œYou’re building these cabins for the new owners?”
    â€œI’m building them for Jon. He’s the one I had the agreement with.”
    â€œI see. So the new owners are on board?”
    â€œThe granddaughters inherited the inn. The first one arrived today, there’s another due tomorrow and the third one will get here sometime.” He explained that Marnie and Holly hadn’t met Kylie Keegan.
    â€œAre they hot?”
    â€œIf I tell you they are, will it get you back here any sooner?”
    â€œWhen you put it that way, I wouldn’t believe you if they all look like supermodels. Scratch that, some of them are too damn skinny. Let’s say lingerie models. Yes, I’d be on the next flight if they look like lingerie models.”
    An image of Marnie’s soft cleavage flashed behind his eyes. “Never mind what Marnie looks like.”
    â€œOh, ho, sounds like she’s a looker. No prob, I’ll just call Deke; he’ll fill me in.”
    â€œIf you’re not here by early next week when

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