back and in charge of things. And it was wonderful gut when he went for
die Gemee
, his instruction, and got baptized last fall. My brother is doing the best he can, but as time goes on it’s become more and more clear that he can’t handle the family alone.”
“Of course he can’t,” Five agreed. “Everyone needs the support of the community.”
“Ya. That and a wife. And that, I’ve come to think, is the thing that’s holding the family back. Adam can’t handle the family without a woman at his side. And right now, I happen to be that woman.”
“But you’re to be
wife.” Five squeezed her arm against his, sending warmth radiating up her arm. When he lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed the back of her hand, she felt his love, a bird’s wings beating in her chest. “The time is approaching for us to be man and wife, Mary. This is what God wants for us.”
“Ya? God has told you that?” she teased.
“I know it as surely as there’s a moon and stars shining on ustonight. It’s time for us to be together, day and night, Mary. Time for us to start a family, God willing. Isn’t that what you want, too?”
“I want it with all my heart,” she vowed, and she felt the truth in her words. Being with Five, even sitting here beside him on the worn leather seat of the buggy bench, it felt just right. She knew this was where she wanted to be, and she had a strong sense of God’s approval for their life together.
And yet, the endless sense of duty to her siblings tugged at her, like an insistent goat pulling laundry from the clothesline. They needed her every day, nearly every minute of every day. At times the burden seemed overwhelming, but Mary set to one task at a time with faith that the good Lord would not give her more than she could bear.
“I keep waiting and praying for God to make it easier for me to part with my family so that we can start our life together,” Mary said. “Unfortunately, He hasn’t moved any mountains yet.”
“Maybe you need to take the first step. Have you told Adam about our plans to marry come autumn?”
“He’s hinted around about it. But how could I tell him that? He’d think I’m about to abandon him and the little ones.”
“But he needs to know. To start with, just because you wouldn’t live under the same roof doesn’t mean you wouldn’t continue helping with the cooking and cleaning there.” He tipped his hat back and moonlight washed over his angular face, illuminating his pale golden hair. “And another thing: If Adam knows of your intention to marry, it might start him thinking of finding a wife.”
Mary shook her head. “Oh, he seems so far from considering marriage. You know Annie favors him, and I’ve tried so many times to get Adam to pay her some attention, all without success. I can’t even get him to talk of courtship.”
“But it’s time for him to find someone to spend his life with. Maybe he’s waiting for a little push. And you can give him the kickin the pants he needs, good sister that you are.” Five squeezed her hand again. “I’ve found the love of my life, and I want Adam to know the same happiness.”
She sighed. “How wonderful that would be.” Although her relationship with Five was no secret to close members of their families, no one else knew that they had planned to marry in the wedding season that had just passed. To hear Five talk of their marrying this year brought such joy to her heart, and yet she feared it was not a realistic goal, much as they both wanted it.
And if she was unable to extract herself from the complicated web of family commitment this year, how would Five react? He’d been supportive and patient for so many years, and now, for the first time, he was steering her strongly toward marriage.
She understood that Five’s patience was wearing thin. She felt the same way, so tired of waiting for things to change, so eager to spend her days and nights beside this man she loved.
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