Love in London (Restless Hearts)

Read Online Love in London (Restless Hearts) by Hunter J. Keane - Free Book Online

Book: Love in London (Restless Hearts) by Hunter J. Keane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hunter J. Keane
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    The annoyance I felt was equal parts refreshing and familiar. Cessy reminded me a lot of Payton and right then, I missed my sister.
    “I really like him, Cess,” I said, still mystified. “Even with every reason not to pursue a relationship with him, I still want it.”
    “What reasons?”
    “He’s a successful businessman and I’m just a student. He knocked up one of his employees. Strangers take pictures of us when we walk down the street.  He spends at least half of his time in London and I’ll be going back to America in a few months. He has to leave in the middle of our date because he’s an adult with adult responsibilities.”
    Saying all of it out loud made me feel even more confused and defeated. Could we ever find a way to make it work?
    “Oh! We should see if you’re famous.” Cessy retrieved her phone from her pocket and started searching.
    “That wasn’t really the point of my tirade,” I said with a frown. “You’re supposed to be listening sympathetically and giving me encouraging advice.”
    “That doesn’t really sound like me.” Her eyes lit up. “Oh my word.”
    From the look on her face, I assumed she had found something embarrassing- a photo at a bad angle, or perhaps someone had caught us going at it on the Eye. I grabbed the phone from her.
    “This is just Dex,” I said, confused.
    The photo was taken the previous day, based on his outfit. It was definitely taken at night, probably after our date. He was being let into the first floor of a flat by a pretty woman. The caption under the picture identified her as Laurel.
    He had said he was going to the office to pick up some important documents, then home to pack quickly before heading to the airport. He definitely hadn’t mentioned a stop by his baby mama’s place.
    “To hell with him,” I said, tossing the phone on the bed.
    “Bloody right.” Cessy sat up. “Forget the tosser. Put on some clothes and let’s get pissed down at the pub.”
    “I’m not in the mood,” I said, feeling sorry for myself.
    She grabbed me by the hand and tugged until I was up. “You will not let that arse ruin your time in London.”
    Cessy had a point. I hadn’t come to London to fall in love. I’d come to learn more about my father’s family and to learn more about myself. I wasn’t going to waste one more minute of that precious time thinking about Dexter Sanders.

    October 9
    I keep forgetting that I’m supposed to be regaling my stories in this journal. A lot has happened since I last wrote a month ago. I know we’ve chatted on the phone a couple of times, but it’s not the same as the long talks we used to have at home.
    You know how they say that when one part of your life starts to go right, everything else gets screwy? Well in the last few weeks, mine has just been completely screwy. After I found out about Dexter’s shenanigans, I decided to shift my focus from romance to family. Cessy’s parents were in town and insisted on taking us out for dinner. I had met my Aunt Penny and Uncle Hugh only once, and I barely remember the encounter. From the short description that Cessy gave, I knew that I had to accept their invitation. They didn’t disappoint.
    Aunt Penny was loud, colorful, offensive, and just generally delightful. She swore in her heavy accent and embarrassed Cessy whenever possible. Her father was a classic English gentleman. He obliged his wife’s every whim, only occasionally interrupting the conversation with a dry quip. He reminded me a lot of my dad.
    I gladly accepted when they invited me out to their home in Kinnerley. They are celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary in a few weeks and all of my extended family will be there. Not only will it be the perfect opportunity to meet everyone, it is also great to be able to look forward to something not at all related to the male species. When it comes to men, I’m a total idiot.
    * * *
    Two days after

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