Love in London (Restless Hearts)

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Book: Love in London (Restless Hearts) by Hunter J. Keane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hunter J. Keane
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Dexter left, I was still determined to never speak with him again. Aunt Penny had further solidified my decision at dinner when she had shared tales of her own dating past that involved a man who impregnated three separate women at the same time. She had been fortunate not to be one of them. Two weeks later, she met my Uncle Hugh.
    Dexter called the next day and I purposefully ignored it, feeling proud of myself. But three calls later, I began to waver. He left a message each time, first sounding cheery and fresh. But by the fourth message, he sounded confused and hurt. He had no idea why I was avoiding his calls and I wasn’t exactly in the mood to explain it to him.
    But Dexter was a man that was used to getting what he wanted, and apparently what he wanted was me. By the end of the week, he had left over a dozen unanswered messages. Dexter was turning into another Neil. Except I wasn’t happy to get rid of Dexter.
    Realizing that I needed a distraction, I happily accepted when some of my classmates invited me to have drinks at a pub down the street from our school. Cessy had been trying to convince me to attend a party with her, but the club scene wasn’t really my thing. A few pints in a laid back bar sounded much more appealing.
    “You’re from Chicago?” my new friend Connor asked over our second round of beers.
    “I am indeed.” My phone buzzed for the tenth time. Ever since I had told my cousin that I was bailing on her to drink at McAlpine’s, she had been texting me incessantly.
    “Does your boyfriend live in Chicago, too?” he asked, not even trying to be subtle.
    “No boyfriend,” I said with a frown. Just a week ago, I had been daydreaming about a future with Dexter by my side. Now I was getting drunk in an English pub with a group of people I barely knew.
    Kelly, a girl with wild, red hair grinned widely at Connor. “I don’t have a boyfriend either. My ex was too much of a prude in the bedroom so I broke up with him.”
    I covered a groan by taking a big gulp of beer.
    “Wait.” The other guy at our table, Sam, pointed an accusatory finger at me. “Aren’t you the girl that was dating that rich guy?”
    “Me?” I feigned innocence. “That seems like something I would remember doing.”
    “Yep. You are definitely that girl.” Sam pulled out his phone and started typing furiously. “I almost applied for an internship at Scuttle a couple of days ago and I did some research on the CEO.”
    He triumphantly held up his phone, showing us all a picture of Dex and myself walking down the streets of London.
    “That’s you and Dexter Sanders. Don’t deny it.”
    “Okay.” I tried to shrug nonchalantly. “Dex and I are just friends. He offered to show me around town last weekend.”
    “You know Dexter Sanders?” Now Connor was even more interested in me. “How did you meet him? What kind of car does he drive? How insanely rich is he?”
    I felt overwhelmingly uncomfortable. “We don’t exactly spend our time talking about his money.”
    “Scuttle is one of the fastest growing companies in the world,” Sam informed us proudly. “He must be worth millions, if not billions. He’s basically my hero.”
    “What’s he like?” Kelly asked, leaning forward to get the scoop. “He looks pretty hot. Is he hot? More importantly, is he single?”
    “You’d have to ask him that,” I muttered.
    “Maybe I will,” Kelly replied, her eyes growing large as she stared at something over my shoulder.
    Even before I turned around, I knew that Dexter was standing behind me. It was like my body could sense his presence.
    My anger at him started to fade the second my eyes landed on his adorable face. He looked even better than I remembered. The look on his face was a conflicted one- equal parts annoyed and triumphant.
    When he walked across the room, people stared. He didn’t just enter a room, he owned it.
    “You’re a tough woman to track down,” Dexter said by way of greeting.
    “When did you

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