Shadow of Doubt

Read Online Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez - Free Book Online

Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
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    Dear Jordan,
    Thank you so much for all you've
    done.  But I know I have really
    been more of a burden than
    anything else.  Like I promised
    before, somehow I will repay you
    for all you've done.  For now I feel
    it's best if I let Lydia put me up in
    the shelter so you can return to
    your normal life.  I will deeply
    miss you and never forget all
    your kindness.
    Jordan rested back against the headboard, the note to his chest.  Taking a deep breath he thought, “Probably best anyway,” he mumbled to himself.  Slowly he rose and went into the kitchen and fixed himself a sandwich.
    Later that night Jordan showered and lay on his bed restlessly.  He thought he would sleep soundly being alone again but kept seeing Lydia's ugly face and Dolly crying on the beach.  He tossed and turned telling himself to forget it, she is being cared for, but, for some strange reason he couldn't get her off his mind.  She was all he could think about.
    Then he had finally convinced himself that it would be best if he went in the morning to get her.  He just didn't want her staying in that place.  He thought she was just too scared and fragile as it was...she didn't need to try to adjust to yet another bunch of strangers and an entirely new home all over again.  He just couldn’t seem to get her off his mind.
    The next morning Jordan dressed and planned to go into town to settle his bill at the hardware store before going to get Dolly.  He opened his dresser drawer where he kept a little spare cash stashed away and brushed around looking for it.  More frantically he threw everything from side to side.  It wasn't there.
    “There's supposed to be $600.00 here!” he yelled out loud.
    “What the...?” he muttered to himself thinking now that only Dolly could possibly have taken it.  “No wonder she snuck out of here like that,” he then thought angrily trying to decide how to handle this unexpected matter.  He was hurt that she could do such a thing after he had taken her into his home and taken such good care of her.  Even bought her new clothes.
    “Damn it!” he yelled out again as he slammed his hands on top of the dresser and looked at himself in the mirror for a long while, trying to decide if he should confront her or just call the authorities first and report a theft.
    Dolly carried her tray of food to the table the next morning and quietly ate her breakfast as the other women at the table gabbed on as if she didn't even exist.
    “Not a very friendly bunch,” she thought.
    Then Dolly again saw Lydia's plump body nearing her.  She placed her hand on Dolly's shoulder coldly.  “Could you come to the front office with me please?” she nearly ordered in a very discomforting and demanding tone.
    Dolly however seemed enlightened by this as she followed Lydia as commanded.  “Maybe there's some news,” she hoped silently.  “Maybe they know who I am and where I'm from.  Maybe I'll finally get to go home...wherever that may be.”
    Then she entered the office and wasn't sure if she should be happy at all.  There stood handsome Jordan Scott in his tight jeans and blue t-shirt.  Lydia sat behind her desk and Dolly warily took a chair in front of her.  Her only hope now was that he had wanted her back...that he had come to take her home with him again.
    But by the look on his and Lydia's faces she knew better.  He was glaring at her sideways trying not to look at her at all.  She could tell he was definitely outraged about something, but Dolly didn't yet know what was going on.  Why all the tension?
    “Maybe he's just upset at the way I snuck out,” she hoped to herself.
    “Mr. Scott seems to think you took some valuables that do not belong to you little lady,” Lydia then threw at her bluntly.  “What do you have to say for yourself?”
    Dolly only stared totally stunned after Lydia's accusation, her mouth open not fully understanding what she had just been

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