Shadow of Doubt

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Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
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accused of.  Then her eyes slowly turned to Jordan as she began trembling.  “What is she talking about?” she finally asked him.  The urge to run to him and hug his neck quickly deteriorated.  She then turned back to Lydia.  “I only took the clothes he bought for me.  If he want's them back...”
    “What's the matter?  Didn't you think I'd come after you?  Did you really think I'd let you get away with something like this?” Jordan then asked smartly as he paced the room nervously, trying hard not to look at her so innocent looking face.  The face he only wished was as innocent as it looked.
    Then Lydia spoke again.  “We'd like to go through your personal belongings if you don't mind.”
    “For what?” Dolly squealed in horror.  “I haven't done anything wrong.  I swear.”
    Jordan looked sharply at her.  He came to stand directly in front of her now and pointed a stern finger.  “Nobody's been in my house but you .  I should have known better than to leave you alone...even for a second.”  He was furious and Dolly just couldn't understand why.
    “What are you accusing me of?” she then asked again as her eyes began to swell and redden.
    “Mr. Scott claims $600.00 and a diamond horse shoe ring are missing from his home young lady.  He has every reason in the world to believe you took them both.  No one else has been in his home but YOU !”
    Jordan returned to pacing behind her, his broad hands on his hips, his face stricken with grief and fatigue.
    “Wh...what?” Dolly nearly whispered out.  “You can check my bag.  I haven't taken anything.  Especially from Jordan.  I like him too much...I wouldn't do that to him!  I wouldn't do that to anyone!”
    Jordan turned his back wanting so much to believe her.  Again she looked so scared, but it had to have been her...he just knew it.  No one else had access to his bedroom but her.
    “Jordan please believe me,” she pleaded to his turned back.  Then she rose and came to his side, her soft hands on the side of his arms.  “I'll get my bag for you myself,” she then added as she so badly needed to prove her innocence to this man.
    “That won't be necessary,” Lydia cut in.  “My secretary is gathering your things now.  We don't want to give you the chance to “hide” your stash.”
    Dolly felt so humiliated by these remarks.  But she only sat back down in the chair and crossed her arms trembling as they waited.  Jordan tried not to look at her at all.  Every time he did, he just wanted to take her in his arms and comfort apologize, but couldn't see how he could possibly be wrong about this.  Just like Victoria...she had made him feel betrayed and didn't see how he could ever forgive her for that.
    Dolly and Jordan watched as her few belongings were being dumped on top of Lydia’s desk, her few clothes and make-up, all given to her by Jordan.  Lydia spread everything out.  She searched the empty bag and began checking all the pockets of her clothing when she hadn't found what she was looking for.  Nothing.
    “Dolly would you please stand up and empty your pockets,” Lydia then ordered as her search came up empty handed.  This woman loved stirring trouble and wasn't going to be content until she proved that Dolly was guilty.
    Jordan stared at Lydia with an evil glare now, still not liking this woman's demeanor either, but knew she was only trying to be helpful toward him now.  He watched palely as Dolly stood humiliated in front of them, turning her pants pockets inside out.
    Wearily Dolly began to speak.  “I didn't do it,” she repeated frailly, very hurt by the accusations brought against her.  She felt so violated as her belongings lay spread on the desk before her, and Lydia, her secretary and Jordan staring at her empty pockets, non-believing that their search was of no avail.
    “Did you go anywhere before you came here?” Lydia then asked, not giving up the fact that she believes

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