Lady Vivian Defies a Duke

Read Online Lady Vivian Defies a Duke by Samantha Grace - Free Book Online

Book: Lady Vivian Defies a Duke by Samantha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grace
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
shifted away before she noticed the rise in his breeches.
    “Two can play your game,” she said. “If you touch me, I will touch you right back.”
    He smothered a groan. It would be a long day if they spent it groping one another. Thank God they were attending a church affair. Otherwise, Lady Vivian might come out the victor. Her touch ignited a flame inside him while his only served to harass her.

    Luke maintained a respectable distance between himself and Lady Vivian on the hard church pew. As he should have anticipated, there had been many curious looks upon their arrival together. Even now, there was a prickling sensation at his nape he often felt when someone was watching him.
    The vicar would have nothing to worry about on this Sunday, as all eyes seemed to be trained on Lady Vivian and Luke. For her part, she didn’t seem to notice. A faraway smile played upon her full, pink lips. She boasted a perfect, kissable mouth, the kind that made a man forget his troubles when it was pressed against his.
    She glanced in his direction and caught him staring. Her smile slipped.
    Damn . Luke snapped his gaze forward. Crossing his arms, he settled in to listen to the vicar’s sermon, his blood cooling simultaneously. Nothing killed a man’s passion swifter than the sight of another man in a dress. Luke shifted away from Lady Vivian to resist the temptation of ogling her again. Nevertheless, his thoughts drifted back to her.
    Not only was she breathtaking, she possessed high spirits and boldness. Most impressively, she could converse on his current topic of interest, and she’d had no qualms about putting him in his place when he had been patronizing. She was also refreshingly transparent. She disapproved of his expedition, although she hadn’t spoken out against his plans like his younger brother had.
    He had tried explaining his troubles to Richard once, but his brother had shaken his head like he’d pitied him. Luke’s shame wound tightly around him and a light sheen blanketed his skin. He wasn’t even able to look at the pages of a book without a blinding headache coming over him. How was he to take care of his family when he couldn’t focus on anything but the pain? He was no longer cut out to assume his father’s title, so what purpose did his life serve?
    He glanced at Lady Vivian again. She wanted to marry, bear children, and live a normal life, but Luke was incapable of being normal now. A sedate life alone in the country wouldn’t satisfy a young and lively woman for long, no matter Lady Vivian’s claims. She would desire seasons in London, the opera, and gentlemanly attentions.
    His spine stiffened. Gentlemanly attentions, my arse.
    The thought of bloody rakehells providing her with comfort rubbed him raw. He turned to glare at the other men in the church for good measure and realized everyone was standing.
    He bolted from his seat as the first bars of “Amazing Grace” piped from the organ. Lady Vivian offered to share her hymnal. Luke gazed warily at the book before taking hold of his half.
    Her strong, sensual voice surprised him. After sitting through countless musicales featuring his three younger sisters and various family friends, he had come to believe only actresses could carry a tune.
    Lady Vivian’s fingers brushed his as she adjusted her position and sent a jolt up his arm. He glanced to see if she had touched him on purpose, but her attention stayed focused on the notes and lyrics.
    Luke couldn’t sing any better than his sisters, so he mouthed the words. An impertinent actress had once compared his singing to the caterwauling of an alley cat. He didn’t believe his musical talent to be quite as lacking, but no one would mistake him for a nightingale.
    Lady Vivian’s hip lightly bumped against his. Again, she gave no indication of being aware of what she had done. On the third stanza, he swayed to the side and bumped her back. She lifted her face, mischief dancing in her eyes.

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