Lady Vivian Defies a Duke

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Book: Lady Vivian Defies a Duke by Samantha Grace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Grace
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
She had touched him on purpose. Holding his gaze, she finished the verse, a corner of her mouth curling up. Luke’s throat constricted as her voice washed over him, casting a spell unbroken even when she looked away. Was this her attempt at revenge for his unabashed staring earlier?
    When the toe of her half boot angled to touch his foot, desire flooded through him. How could he become aroused by such innocent contact? In church, no less. Pretending to sing all seven verses of “Amazing Grace.”
    Seven , for the love of God!
    Curse Mr. Newton and his severely debauched life requiring seven verses to prove his rehabilitation.
    As the last bars of music faded into the rafters, she took the hymnbook from him and smiled innocently up at him. “Your Grace.”
    He wanted to wring her neck. Or kiss her until she babbled nonsense. Or bend her over the—
    “Lady Vivian!” A shrill voice ripped into his fantasy and gave him a start.
    A ruddy-cheeked older lady was frowning at them from the aisle, her heavy bosoms stressing the seams of her gown.
    “Mrs. Honeywell, how nice to see you again. Did you have an enjoyable Season in London?” Lady Vivian’s polite greeting reminded him that she was a lady of good breeding. He had to stop daydreaming about compromising her.
    “Where is Lady Brighthurst?” The woman’s nose wrinkled as she spoke of the viscountess. “Is your brother aware of her lax approach to chaperoning you?”
    Lady Vivian stiffened beside him.
    Mrs. Honeywell nailed her with a disdainful glower. “Surely, Lord Ashden would want to know of your behavior in today’s service. He would likely thank me for informing him.”
    Luke eyed the woman in return. This was the harridan Lady Vivian had spoken of at dinner last night.
    “Lady Vivian,” he said. “Please introduce me to your friend.”
    He thought she might have snorted softly, but he kept his focus on Mrs. Honeywell.
    “As you wish. Please allow me to present Mrs. Honeywell, the local—uh…”
    The lady raised her severe eyebrows. “Mr. Honeywell is the largest landowner in Bedfordshire.” She paused as if waiting for Luke to say something.
    “Indeed? Congratulations, Madame. You must be proud.”
    “Yes, I am proud…” She blinked, bemusement fluttering across her round face.
    Lady Vivian pressed her lips tightly together, struggling to school her features.
    Mrs. Honeywell dismissed his comment with a flick of her wrist and regained speed, her glower focused on Lady Vivian. “When your brother hears of your brazen display today—”
    “Forgive me, dear lady.” Luke smiled, aiming to charm her, although his tone left no room for mistake. She had no leave to chastise Lady Vivian, especially in his presence. “I must accept the blame. You see, I’m quite taken with my betrothed, but infatuation is no excuse for bad manners.”
    “Betrothed?” Mrs. Honeywell almost choked on the word, her face blazing redder. “His lordship never mentioned finding a husband for her .”
    Luke’s jaw twitched, but otherwise he hid his anger. He’d had years of practice. It would be unwise to lay claim to Lady Vivian. The negotiations between his father and Ashden were not common knowledge. Yet, the drive to protect her from this harpy was too strong. When he glanced down at Lady Vivian, he smiled. “Your brother hasn’t publicized our joyful news yet, has he?”
    “I’m afraid not, Your Grace. But it is a sudden development, wouldn’t you agree?”
    All color leeched from Mrs. Honeywell’s complexion. “Your Grace?”
    Lady Vivian linked arms with him, playing the role of besotted maiden with relish. Lifting her face toward him, she fanned her thick lashes and beamed. Gads, his insides quivered when she gazed at him in admiration. What would it do to him if it were real?
    “Mrs. Honeywell, allow me to present the Duke of Foxhaven, my very newly betrothed.”
    “Oh my. The Duke of Foxhaven?” The older lady fanned her glossy cheeks.
    Luke gave a

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