Book of Remembrance: The Forgotten Gods: Book One

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Book: Book of Remembrance: The Forgotten Gods: Book One by Tania Johansson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tania Johansson
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not know, but I got a most definite sense of
joy at the reunion with an old friend from Markai. When Quiniewa released her I
expected my connectedness with Markai to go also, but it did not even
diminish.   They were looking at each
other intently. Quiniewa was murmuring in a low voice, too low for me to make out
any words, but I could tell it was not a language I had ever come across
before. Through my connection to Markai I realised they were actually
conversing. I did not hear any response from her, but I could feel her
conveying her message back to the Teacher, although I did not understand what
was being said.
    I picked up Sunder and fastened
it to my belt.   Finally, the Teacher
walked over to me. She had a smile from ear to ear. “Kadin, you surprise me. I
did not know you were capable of bringing Markai here. Your affinity with the
Navitas must be growing stronger than what we had anticipated for this early
on. That is good.” I looked over to Markai and when I looked back at Quiniewa,
she was once again the old woman. “I do not truly know how I brought her here.
I guess we fell asleep together and when I arrived here, she was here also.
Where is here?”
around I saw we were once again out of the forest; we were standing in the
middle of a city square. There were no people to be seen.   Seemingly deserted it was eerily quiet apart
from a large fountain in the middle of the square. There was a gigantic stone
statue in the middle of a man in armour, a sword in his hand with the tip
resting on the stone next to his foot. He had a handsome but severe face. As if
he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. A strange thing, he
had sapphires for eyes. Around his feet there were criss-crossing fountains
spraying in a circle around him.
    I walked closer to the fountain
and slowly made my way all around it. I came to the sword and gasped. I
unsheathed my sword and held it up for comparison; they were identical. It had
the same image of Markai on the hilt, down to the sapphire gems for eyes. I
looked over at Quiniewa. She was watching me, a serene look on her.
    “How is this possible? The sword
in the statue matches mine exactly. And his eyes… Where
are we?”
    She looked around as if she was
only now noticing the city around us. “This is the largest city in all of
Surrelmidia, Klairance. That,” she pointed at the statue, “is the Great King
Vlearian. The more important question here is when are we ?” She gave me a meaningful
look, eyebrows raised.
    I frowned. “What do you mean when ?”
    She clicked her tongue and with
a roll of her eyes said, “Think Kadin. Have you heard of King Vlearian, of
Klairance? No? Therefore, do you not think you may have heard of this city if
it was the biggest city of all of Surrelmidia? At the Severance, this city and
all that you see here were destroyed.   That was over five thousand years ago.” Again, she looked at me
probingly to make sure I understood what she was saying.
    My mouth was hanging open and
she took this as acknowledgment. “I looked back at the sword of the statue.
“How is this possible? That is my sword, but it cannot be five thousand years
old! It is simply not possible. Mine has to simply have been modelled on this
one, surely?”  
    She fixed me with a stare.
“Master Kadin, we will have to work on your perception of what is and what is
not possible. Have you learnt nothing since your Seeking started?” Without
pausing for an answer, she continued. “Before you started learning of the
Navitas, would you have believed in creatures that appear to you and you alone,
seemingly from another realm? Would you have believed a brew of tea had the
power to open your mind up to experiences beyond your ‘normal’ realm? You have
to stop thinking so small. Open your mind to these events, these possibilities.
Embrace them, Kadin. What you can imagine may be more important than what you
know. The mind is a very powerful tool. Even

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