Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)
when his free hand moves
to his pocket. He holds up a pair of cuffs. My heartbeat picks up
its pace.
    “ Don’t get nervous, little
one. This is merely a precaution.” Before I can freak out, I feel
cool metal hit my wrist. A split second later, I hear the metal
thud against his wrist.
    My eyes widen in shock as
I see that we are bound together with some kind of cuffs I’ve never
seen before. How the hell did that metal open and conform to me in
such a fast way? I look the cuff over. My brows lower as I scan for
a clasp. Try as I might, I can’t find one.
    A soft chuckle comes from
his chest. “These are made from a special metal on a planet we
visit regularly. The metal is strong and can only be manipulated by
its owner.”
    Dumbly, I say, “You’re the
    He chuckles again. “Yes.”
A second later, his eyes harden. “I have no problem using these
cuffs on you anytime I need to. I’m a dominant and I expect you to
follow my commands at all times. Later, I’ll tell you what your
duties are. Right now, we are going to see Dr. ResTa.”

    ~ Hallie ~
    In stunned silence, I
follow Pretty Eyes.
    It’s not like I have much
of a choice. We are cuffed together by some metal I’ve never seen
before. I’m starting to feel quite ignorant. I guess compared to
him, I am. That thought makes me feel low. I don’t want to be the
dumbest person on the planet.
    You’d kick his ass if you
were in the woods on Earth , my logical side
informs me in a pride filled tone. I smile and appreciate the moral
support. As I look around the hall of the craft, I have a feeling
I’m going to need a lot of moral support.
    As we exit the spacecraft
I see a lot of zaphinians hanging around the spaceport. A glance to
the side has me stumbling. I see a being that is not a zaphinian. I
remember the other beings hanging out around the platform I was
sold from. A shudder races up my spine. Alarm starts to rise in my
chest. Do any of them eat humans? Are they hungry?
    Pretty Eyes wraps his arm
around me. He greets a few people but doesn’t stop walking. It
takes me a second to realize that he isn’t speaking English. I
don’t know what’s going on, I don’t understand what people are
saying. Panic claws its way up my throat. I silently
    What if I’m being brought
to another sell-block to be sold? I don’t want to be sold again. An
unrecognizable part of my brain whispers, He won’t do that to you .
    Trust your gut,
Hallie . The remembrance of my father’s
advice calms me somewhat. All of the tall beings around me start
getting my mind working in another direction. What if someone here
attacks him? What if I need to run and hide to stay
    I tug on my cuffed arm. He
looks down at me and shakes his head. His pretty eyes have a
determined gleam to them. I don’t like it. My heart aches as I
admit temporary defeat. It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. My
gaze darts around looking for any threat.
    Fear has my mind racing. I
wonder if I can cut my hand off or break the bones in my hand to
get away if he goes down. I look up and down his massive muscular
frame. There’s no way I’m going to be able to drag his heavy ass
anywhere. Nope, there’s no way I can get us both into a safe hiding
place if we are chased and he gets hurt.
    As big as he is any enemy
would go for him first. I can’t save both of us. Why did I have to
be taken by a big ass warrior looking being? Why couldn’t I have
been bought by a four foot tall weak alien?
    “ Calm yourself, seema.
We’re among friends. Nobody will hurt you.” His arm pulls me in
closer to him.
    As I breathe his scent in,
I believe him. He leads me down a corridor and into a large room.
We move through it and into another room— a scarier room. Fuck! His
very presence distracts me in unacceptable ways. I just let him
lead me to a mad-scientist to be probed. I didn’t even give

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