Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)
won’t be the last either. For some reason that
thought doesn’t sit well with me.
    You’re a captive, Hallie
Mead. Get used to following orders and possibly being part of
a harem , my
logical side says. I can’t believe I didn’t understand this sooner.
He’d ordered me around like a pro on the platform from hell. I
tremble as I wonder how many more females he has at his house. I
frown at the thought of being one of many.
    Me being placed on the
large device in the corner jerks me back to the present. I try to
sit up but am quickly eased back down. Fuck! I hadn’t even realized
my harem-building captor had guided me over here. What the hell is
this machine going to do to me? My nerves stretch to the point that
I fear they are going to snap.
    “ Calm yourself, little
human. This machine is just going to scan you. It’s not going to
damage you in any way.” His tone is soothing and I start to fall
for it.
    As a humming noise breaks
the silence, my trust in Pretty Eyes falters. It wasn’t an earned
trust after all. I look down at my wrist to see if the cuff is
gone. Nope, my lips twist in disgust. This guy is not giving me any
chance to escape.
    A blue light passes under
me, I feel a slight tingle from it but nothing painful as happened
yet. I hold my breath waiting to see what will happen next. A
clicking sound echoes through the room and then the doctor nods as
he looks at a screen.
    The doctor turns and looks
at my captor. “She’s clear. A little undernourished but overall
very healthy. I’ll administer the shot and chip. Then you can take
her home, Din Zar.”
    My captor helps me up and
off of the machine. The word “shot” pounds through my mind. I’ve
never had a shot and I don’t plan on ever getting one. My gaze
darts around as I look for an escape. I get two steps away from Din
Zar before he gently tugs the cuffs. Damn it. How could I have
forgotten about being bound to him?
    I’m not handling my
situation well at all. Panic claws at my chest. I don’t want to be
shot or probed or anything else.
    Zar leans down and looks
deeply into my eyes. He grips my chin between gentle fingers. “He’s
not going to hurt you. The shot only produces a small sting and the
chip doesn’t feel much different.” His eyes harden. “You will get
the shot. It is important to your health. The medicine in it will
cure you of anything you were exposed to when you were capture and
it will stop you from getting anything an alien could bring onto
our planet. Everyone here has gotten the shot and most of us have
the communicator chip. At the club you’re going to need the chip so
prepare yourself, little one.”
    The doctor comes closer as
Din Zar releases my chin and stands to his full height. I squeak
when the doctor moves at a speed I can’t follow. All I feel is a
tug on my bodysuit and then a small zap to my upper arm. The
material slips back into place as the smiling doctor steps away to
put down the blasted device he’s just used on me.
    “ One more thing,” the
doctor says as he picks up another device. He uses the same amazing
speed as he approaches me.
    I blink when I feel a
pinch to my neck. A strange feeling overcomes me and then my neck
throbs for a few seconds. I try to touch the spot but my captor
stops me.
    “ Do you understand the
words I’m saying?” Din Zar asks me. Concern flavors his
    “ Yes,” I answer as I wonder
what he was concerned about.
    “ Good, that means the
communicator chip is working. Now you’ll be able to understand many
languages,” Zar says in a pleased tone.
    Oh! I smile as I realize
he was speaking to me in another language. This chip instantly made
me smarter.
    The doctor looks at my
captor and grins. “She’s ready to go.” A mischievous sparkle enters
the male’s eyes. “Tell Din Von to ease up on the guys during
practice. I’m leaving the planet for a few days to get updated on
the latest

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