Hide to Stay Alive (Club Release 1)
much trouble. Like a lamb calmly going to slaughter. Hallie Mead, you deserve to die. Depression is soon eclipsed by
    No, I’m not going to let
them probe me.
    My gaze darts around the
room looking for an escape route. There has to be a way out of
here. With my training, I’ll find it. Black and silver devices
stand out against the white walls and floor. I don’t know what they
use all of these things for and truthfully I don’t want to
    Not letting the strange
equipment distract me this time, I take a step away from Pretty
Eyes and look around for doors. My heart sinks when I see three of
them. Which one leads to a good hiding place? I wish I could have
studied the zaphinians comings and goings from afar for at least a
few days before being brought here. If I knew the lay of the land,
I’d have a better chance of surviving.
    “ Calm yourself, little
seema. You are safe.”
    His commanding tone snaps
my gaze up to his. I only see honesty in his eyes. That makes me
feel better until I realize that this is not his domain. As far as
I know, Pretty Eyes may not even know that the supposedly good
doctor is really a mad-scientist. Being naive has gotten many
people killed. I don’t plan on being one of them.
    I jump when the door
behind me suddenly opens. Whipping my gaze around, I see a massive
male standing just inside the room. His green eyes are zeroed in on
me. I step closer to Pretty Eyes.
    Green Eyes is even bigger
than the male I’m cuffed to. I really wish I wasn’t cuffed to him.
One of the rules of survival is to always stand on your own two
feet. This rule is non-negotiable when on flat ground. Rapidly
moving water and cliffs are a different story.
    I frown at the metal
surrounding my wrist and rub it hoping I can solve its puzzle and
make it drop away.
    A chuckle comes from my
captor. He’s no longer Pretty Eyes to me. I look up into his
three-tone eyes and hesitate. Okay, he’s no longer Pretty Eyes—for
the moment. Get a grip, Hallie Mead . He brought you to a
    I glance over at the
mad-scientist. The guy doesn’t look mad but what do I know about
zaphinians? I rub the smooth metal harder as I try to break free.
The need to get out of here coils tighter in my gut. Remembering
the strange metal only responds to its owner, I put the cuff close
to my lips and whisper, “I’m your owner now. Open up.” My words are
low enough that Pretty Eyes, no—my captor—shouldn’t be able to hear
    Another chuckle comes from
above me. “It doesn’t work like that, little one.”
    Fuck! With a sinking
heart, I blurt, “You heard me?” Please let him have
    “ Yes, we zaphinians have
great hearing. You’re a treasure. A treasure that has to be checked
out before I can take you home.” He gestures to the male still
standing near the door watching me with an amused gleam in his
eyes. “This is Dr. Lar ResTa. He’s going to make sure you’re
healthy and ready to take home.”
    The doctor nods almost
dismissively at me and then turns his attention to my captor. I
feel like I’m nobody to him. That pisses me off. I’m a living being
not a piece of furniture damn it.
    Pretty Eyes, no—my
captor—sniffs the air and briefly looks down at me. He growls
lightly. I’m stunned by his actions and suddenly wonder if he’s a
    This time Dr. Lar ResTa
chuckles and says to my captor, “You’re going to have your hands
full with this one, Din Zar.”
    Din Zar. Is that Pretty
Eyes’ name? Why didn’t I ask him earlier? Wait a minute, why didn’t
he ask me my name? Anger rises within me. Am I nothing to him? Why
did he buy me?
    More of the doctor’s words
sink into my mind. “You’re going to have your hands full with this
one.” I want to kick myself. I let his amazing eyes distract me
from realizing that I’m not the first female he’s brought home.
There’s a chance I

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