Her Kind of Hero

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Book: Her Kind of Hero by Diana Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Palmer
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Callie’s face was priceless. “How did you know?” she asked.
    He smiled. “Micah talks about you a lot.”
    That was a shocker. “I didn’t think he wanted anybody to know I even existed,” she pointed out.
    He pursed his lips. “Well, let’s just say that he has ambiguous feelings about you.”
    Ambiguous. Right. Plainly stated, he couldn’t stand her. But if that was true, why had he come himself to rescue her, instead of just sending his men?
    She drew in a breath as he tended to her. “Am I going to be okay?”
    â€œYou’re going to be good as new in a few days.” He smiled at her. “Trust me.”
    â€œMicah seems to.”
    â€œHe should. I taught him everything he knows about surgery,” he chuckled. “I was a year a head of him when we were in graduate school, and I took classes for one of the professors occasionally.”
    She smiled. “You’re very good.”
    â€œSo was he,” he replied grimly.
    She hesitated, but curiosity prodded her on. “If it wouldn’t be breaking any solemn oath, could you tell me why he didn’t finish his residency?”
    He did, without going into details. “He realized medicine wasn’t his true calling.”
    She nodded in understanding.
    â€œBut you didn’t hear that from me,” he added firmly.
    â€œOh, I never tell people things I know,” she replied easily, smiling. “I work for a lawyer.”
    He chuckled. “Do tell?”
    â€œHe’s something of a fire-eater, but he’s nice to me. He practices criminal law back in Jacobsville, Texas.”
    He put the medical equipment to one side and told her she could get dressed.
    â€œI’m going to put you on some antibiotics to fight off infection.” He studied her with narrowed eyes. “What you’ve been through is traumatic,” he added as he handed her the prescription bottle. “I’d advise counseling.”
    â€œRight now,” she said on a long breath, “I’m occupied with just trying to stay alive. The drug dealer is still after me, you see.”
    His jaw tautened. “Micah will take care of you.”
    â€œI know that.” She stood up and smiled, extending her hand. “Thanks.”
    He shook her hand and shrugged. “Think nothing of it. We brilliant medical types feel obliged to minister to the masses…”
    â€œOh, for God’s sake!” Micah groaned as he entered the room, overhearing his friend.
    Dr. Candler gave him a look full of frowning mock-hauteur. “And aren’t you lucky that I don’t have to examine you today?” he drawled.
    â€œWe’re leaving. Right now.” He took Callie by the hand and gave the other man a grin. “Thanks.”
    â€œAnytime. You take care.”
    â€œYou do the same.”
    Callie was herded out the door.
    â€œBut, the bill,” she protested as he put her out a side door and drew her into the vehicle that was waiting for them with the engine running.
    â€œAlready taken care of. Let’s get to the airport.”
    Callie settled into the seat, still worrying. “I don’t have anything with me,” she said miserably. “No papers, no clothes, no shoes…”
    â€œI told you, Maddie got all that together. It will be waiting for us at the airport, along with tickets and boarding passes.”
    â€œWhat if Lopez has people there waiting for us?” she worried aloud.
    â€œWe also have people waiting there for us,” Bojo said from the front seat. “Miami is our safest domestic port.”
    â€œOkay,” she said, and smiled at him.
    He smiled back.
    Micah and Bojo exchanged a complicated glance. Bojo turned his attention back to the road and didn’t say another word all the way to the airport. Callie understood. Micah didn’t want her getting too friendly with his people. She didn’t take offense. She was

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