Her Kind of Hero

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Book: Her Kind of Hero by Diana Palmer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Palmer
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are saying hello and goodbye everywhere…”
    His warm, hard mouth covered hers very gently while the sounds of people in transit all around them faded to a dull roar. His heavy brows drew together in something close to anguish as he began to kiss her. Fascinated by his expression, by the warm, ardent pressure of his mouth on hers, she closed her eyes tight, and fantasized that he meant it, that he wasn’t pretending for the benefit of security guards, that he was enjoying the soft, tremulous response of her lips to the teasing, expert pressure of his own.
    They didn’t hear the gruff whisper.
    It was followed by the loud clearing of a throat and a cough.
    They didn’t hear that, either. Callie was on tiptoe now, her short nails digging into the hard muscles of his upper arms, hanging on Micah’s slow, tender kiss with little more than willpower, so afraid that he was going to pull away…!
    â€œMicah!” the voice said shortly.
    Micah’s head jerked up, and for a few seconds he seemed as disoriented as Callie. He stared blankly at the dark-headed man in front of him.
    The man was extending a small case toward him. “Her papers and clothes and shoes and stuff,” the man said, nodding towardCallie and clearing his throat again. “Maddie had me fly them over here.”
    â€œThanks, Pogo.”
    The big, dark man nodded. He stared with open curiosity at Callie, and then he smiled gently. “It was my pleasure,” he said, glancing again at Micah and making an odd little gesture with his head in Callie’s direction.
    â€œThis is Callie Kirby,” Micah said shortly, adding, “my…stepsister.”
    The big man’s eyebrows levered up. “Oh! I mean, I was hoping she wasn’t a real sister. I mean, the way you were kissing her and all.” He flushed, and laughed self-consciously when Micah glared at him. Callie was scarlet, looking everywhere except at the newcomer.
    â€œYou’ll miss your flight out of here,” Micah said pointedly.
    â€œWhat? Oh. Yeah.” He grinned at Callie. “I’m Pogo. I’m from Saint Augustine. I used to wrestle alligators until Micah here gave me a job. I’m sort of a bodyguard, you know…”
    â€œYou’re going to be an unemployed bodyguard in twenty seconds if you don’t merge with the crowd,” Micah said curtly.
    â€œOh. Well…sure. Bye, now,” he told Callie with an ear-to-ear smile.
    She smiled back. He was like a big teddy bear. She was sorry they wouldn’t get to know each other.
    Pogo almost fell over his own feet as he turned, jerking both busy eyebrows at his boss, before he melted into the crowd and vanished.
    â€œStop doing that,” Micah said coldly.
    She looked up at him blankly. “Doing what?”
    â€œSmiling at my men like that. These men aren’t used to it. Don’t encourage them.”
    Her lips parted on a shaken breath. She looked at him as if she feared for his sanity. “Them?” she echoed, dazed.
    â€œBojo and Peter and Pogo,” he said, moving restlessly. He was jealous, God knew why. It irritated him. “Come on.”
    He moved away from her, catching her hand tightly and pulling her along with him.
    â€œAnd don’t read anything into what just happened,” he added coldly, without looking at her.
    â€œWhy would I?” she asked honestly. “You said it was just for appearances. I haven’t forgotten how you feel about me, Micah.”
    He stopped and stared intently down into her eyes. His own were narrow, angry, impatient. She wore her heart where anyone could see it. Her vulnerability made him protective. Odd, that, when she was tough enough to survive captivity by Lopez and still keep her nerve during a bloody breakout.
    â€œYou don’t have a clue how I feel about you,” he said involuntarily. His fingers locked closer into hers. “I’m

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