Forbidden Alien Warlord (SciFi Alien Romance)
her onto her hands and knees.
    “I’ll accept that deal,” Giselle said. Bronn shifted in front of her, splaying his legs; his large, ridged erection stood almost proudly a few inches in front of her face. Behind her, she could feel Lenth’s hands moving over her body, caressing her, touching her everywhere.
    “Shall we try this configuration first?” Bronn asked her, his voice low in her ears. Giselle looked at his erection and took a deep breath, steadying her nerves.
    “I’ll have to go slow,” she said, licking her lips. “And so will you. And you, too, Lenth,” she glanced over her shoulder.
    “I won’t force or hurt you,” Bronn told her gently. “You may stop when you become uncomfortable.” Giselle smiled, meeting his gaze.
    “Aliens from another planet are more gentlemanly than the best guys I’ve ever met here,” she mused, licking her lips again. She had to admit that the prospect was intriguing; she wondered idly what alien semen tasted like.
    Giselle took a deep breath and leaned forward, wrapping her hand around the base of Bronn’s member. She glanced up at his face as she brought her lips down onto the tip, flicking her tongue against its silky skin. Up close, breathing in as she tightened her lips around Bronn’s erection, Giselle realized that neither of the two men seemed to sweat; but they exuded a kind of lemony smell—strange, but pleasant to her nose.
    Behind her, Giselle felt Lenth’s weight shifting, felt him spreading her legs wider. She took a deep breath, steadying herself as she took more and more of Bronn’s cock—was it his cock? —into her mouth, sucking and licking. Bronn let out a low, almost growling sound of pleasure, saying something in his strange alien language that Lenth replied to.
    Giselle began to work her lips up and down along Bronn’s shaft, slowly but surely taking him into her mouth, becoming accustomed to the strangeness of the ridges rubbing against her lips. The tip of his thick, large member brushed against the back of her throat, and for a moment, Giselle panicked—she knew there was no way for her to take everything that he had. She wrapped her hand more firmly around the base of his shaft and began to work on him with both her mouth and her fingers, bringing her lips down as far as they could comfortably go and bringing her hand up to her lips.
    Behind her, she felt the thick hardness of Lenth’s penis rubbing against her slick folds; she felt a shiver of fear work down her spine at the thought of him filling her up, taking her—but she knew that both aliens were serious in their goal not to hurt her. As Lenth thrust into her slowly from behind, Giselle moaned, her lips and hand tightening around Bronn’s member in reaction; Lenth’s cock felt almost uncomfortably large inside of her, pushing past the resistance of her body, aided by her fluids. She forced herself to breathe steadily, forced her body to relax as Lenth moved his hips in a slow, rocking rhythm, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her.
    Giselle lost all track of time, lost all ability to do anything but respond to the sensations coursing through her body as Lenth began to move gradually faster inside of her. Her muffled moans were not quite loud enough for her to hear over the sound of the two aliens’ pleasure as they worked her mouth and pussy at the same time; Bronn’s hips began to move, though Giselle realized that he was holding back, that he was being careful—mindful even in his pleasure not to hurt her. She swayed and rocked between the two men’s bodies, sucking and licking, pushing her hips back as her body began to adjust to the size of Lenth’s cock filling her up over and over again.
    Giselle felt Bronn tensing, felt his body coiling like a spring, and pulled back slightly—not sure of what to expect, but reading the symptoms of what was remarkably like a human orgasm. The first gush of his climax spurted into her mouth, coating her tongue with tingling,

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