
Read Online Overshadow by Brea Essex - Free Book Online

Book: Overshadow by Brea Essex Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brea Essex
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solution. In order to get one, I was going to need to go inside and observe him. Maybe I would find a hint as to what had happened. I didn’t know if I had caused this, or if Andrei’s attack had. It could have happened for any number of reasons. I shouldn’t blame myself… right?
    I went back inside and slid into my seat. Turning slightly, I put my back to the wall so I could try to observe Logan and Sera. Unfortunately, they noticed.
    Sera wandered over to me. “Problem?”
    “No, no problem. Just ignore me.”
    “Oh, we plan on it.”
    I snorted. “Oh please! There is no ‘we’.”
    She leaned down so that her face was close to mine. “You’re right, there is no ‘we’, as in no you and Logan. There is a ‘we’ as in Logan and me. You’re just going to have to face the fact that you lost. He’s mine now. Deal with it.”
    I stood up so abruptly that she had to step back and almost fell. “Look, you psycho. I haven’t lost yet. I don’t know what you did to him, but trust me, I’m going to fix it.”
    By now everyone in the classroom was openly staring, including our teacher who had just entered the room. “Ms. Davenport, is there a problem?”
    Why did everyone think I had a problem today? Oh that’s right, because I did. My boyfriend was under some crazy spell. I couldn’t tell her that though. Then everyone would think I was crazy.
    “No, Mrs. Eden,” I answered. “Just getting to know our new student.”
    She looked skeptical, but I think she bought it. “Very well. Have a seat. Ms. Morgan, since you’re already standing… Class, we have a new student. Say hello to Serafina.”
    A weak chorus of “hellos” replied. Sera looked smug as she made her way back to her seat… next to my Logan. I was busy cursing them in my mind and didn’t hear what Mrs. Eden asked me next.
    “Ms. Davenport!” she called, snapping me out of my internal monologue of nasty names for Sera that I was running through.
    “Yes?” I answered.
    “If you’re not going to pay attention, might I suggest that you visit the principal’s office?”
    “Sorry, Mrs. Eden,” I mumbled. “I’ll pay better attention.”
    She gave me one more stern look and returned to her lecture.
    I turned my attention to my notebook. I started pretending to take notes, but I ended up drawing instead.
    When class let out, I stood to gather my books. I was bumped — more like shoved — from behind and promptly dropped everything I was holding.
    “Oops.” Sera laughed.
    I clenched a fist. I wanted to strike that smug look from her face. I could do it. Logan had taught me well.
    Logan. I looked at him, standing next to her. He made no motion to help me. In fact, he was laughing with her. “You’re even worse than you were,” I told him.
    He raised an eyebrow. “Raena, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m the same person I always was.”
    “No, you’re not. You were never this mean, this selfish! Even when you were being a jerk, I always knew you were kidding. Even then, you had good moments. I don’t know who you are now.”
    “Why does it matter to you anyway? It’s not like we’ve ever been friends.”
    I shut my eyes briefly against the tears that were threatening to spill over. “We were once. We were more. You’ll remember eventually. I guess I just have to be patient.”
    He sighed. “There’s nothing to remember.”
    “Yes, there is. Just wait.” I finished picking up my things and walked out the door.
    I couldn’t stay at school. No way could I handle seeing them together. I went into the office and claimed I didn’t feel well. They called Genevra to pick me up.
    “What’s really wrong?” Genevra asked me once we were in the car.
    “What do you mean? I told you, I don’t feel well.”
    “Are you actually sick? Or did something happen?”
    She was more perceptive than I had thought. “I’m sick… because of seeing Logan at school. He acted like we were never together!”
    She looked

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