Finding Our Forever: (A Defining Moments Novel)

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Book: Finding Our Forever: (A Defining Moments Novel) by Andee Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andee Michelle
Tags: Romance
but I don’t want to beat around the bush with this girl. She’s crazy in the sack, but she’s also crazy in everyday life, and I don’t need it in my life.
    Makayla: Whatever. Let me know when that changes again. Like in a week. Lol
    I don’t respond. I’m done with that. I bring up her contact and block her.
    I lie down on the couch and am flipping through the channels when I hear Ben stumble in noisily. Lifting my upper body off the couch to see what the hell he’s doing, I chuckle when I realize it’s not just Ben, and that the little blonde from the pub is wrapped around him and attached to his face.
    I lie back down on the couch and return to the channel surfing. I end up watching a show on the History Channel about World War II and am deep in concentration when the noise starts. I turn the volume up louder because I can’t stand to hear my brother having sex, and she’s loud. The TV is halfway up and I can still hear her screeching. That would ruin my hard-on in a heartbeat.
    I give up trying to watch the rest of the show and decide to just go to bed. At least then I can put my Beats on, and it’ll cancel out the disgusting sounds coming from Ben’s room.
    I grab my phone and Beats the moment I get through the door, because if it’s even possible, that girl just got louder. I throw on a little classic Metallica, “Orion” to be exact, and go in to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for bed. Mama always said that I had an old soul and seemed to think she proved her point when I ended up loving all things classic heavy metal. Metallica is my favorite.
    My phone beeps through the music as I finish up the nightly routine. The moment I see Sara’s name, I smile until my face feels like it might crack. Jesus, Eli. Pull it together.
    Sara: You busy?
    Me: Nope. What’s up? Miss me already, huh?
    Sara: *insert eye roll* Yep. Actually, I was hoping you could do me a huge favor???
    Me: Sure, what’s going on?
    Sara: Can you come get me and take me home?
    Me: Uhhhh… sure, where are you and why do you need a ride home?
    Sara: Well, my friend thought it would be cute to trick me into a blind date. He’s creeping me out and I don’t want to stay here.
    The moment I read her text, I’m throwing on a pair of jeans and heading for the door.
    Me: On my way. Where are you?
    Sara: Grady’s. Do you know where that is?
    Holy shit. That’s where I was just two hours ago.
    Me: Yep, I’ll be there in ten minutes. Stay inside.
    Sara: Yes, sir ;)
    The fact that she’s still showing that feistiness eases my concern a little, but the idea that her “friend” put her in this situation in the first place pisses me off.
    I make it to Grady’s in record time, and the moment I’m through the door, I spot her sitting at the bar by herself. I’m making my way over to her, noticing there is a beer bottle sitting next to her, and I quickly scan the bar, wondering where the guy went.
    Sitting down next to her, I pull her stool over so she’s in my space. She stiffens as if she might freak out, but when she whips her head around and sees it’s me, she lets out a breath and relaxes.
    “Where is he?” I growl and surprise even myself. Her eyes widen a little, and she starts to respond when a new voice pops into the conversation.
    “Why are you sitting in my seat, talking to my date?” jerkoff asks from behind me.
    I stand and turn around to chew his ass but stop in my tracks. It’s Drake, the douche who knocked up Jessie and then blew her off. Total jackass. I’m at least half a foot taller than him, and he backs up a little so his neck isn’t craned to look up at me.
    “You’re mistaken, my friend. She’s with me,” I return.
    “Where’s the hot little blonde? Didn’t I just see you leave here about an hour ago with the blonde that had her tongue down your throat?” he asks with a smirk, never taking his eyes off Sara’s face. I feel her stiffen and I give her a light squeeze.
    “Actually, that was my

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