Soul Inheritance

Read Online Soul Inheritance by Honey A. Hutson - Free Book Online

Book: Soul Inheritance by Honey A. Hutson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Honey A. Hutson
covered all the right places as their smiles beamed to the heavens. But the eyes… The empty eyes stared into nothing. They seemed to reflect a coldness that chilled to the core. An emptiness filled by intent. She turned away, opened the door. Made herself look back.
    “ You can’t go through life like this.” She looked up, followed the line of the roof to the middle figure. There in their midst sat Greystone. The blank eyes of the angelic statues all turned to stare down as if in judgment. Her world had been reduced to a tight tunnel, surprise and repulsion racked her body. Grasping the door handle she stood erect and ready to bolt.
    Greystone’s wings were full spread and he stood solid, one arm reaching dramatically toward the sky, the other toward the earth. He blended with the gray marble of the angels so well, that she nearly thought he was a statue himself. Some grotesque testament by a talented sculptor. This could explain it. She’d been here before, seen the statue and incorporated it into her dreams.
    He moved. Slowly he turned, looked down at her and grimaced to show very real razor sharp teeth.
    Katherine scrambled to get the door open, jumped into the drivers seat. She glanced back at the mausoleum as she put the car in drive and pushed the gas. Nothing was there but the ancient angels with their blank stares aimed at the heavens. The tires squealed as the Jeep speed out of the cemetery.
    There was one parking spot just in front of the lawyer’s office. Rushing across the street she entered the busy coffee shop, scanning the room. Craig stood as she approached.
    “ Are you okay? You’re white as a sheet!” Craig’s brow furrowed as he reached toward her arm, offering support.
    “ Yes, I’m fine. Just tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.”
    “ I can imagine. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”
    “ No, I just need to get away for a while. You’re doing plenty by taking care of this.” She pulled out a chair and sat down. “Crystal, my manager for the flower shops’ will be here shortly, along with George. We’ll set you both up with the ability to pay the bills and make necessary decisions, sign papers and so on. George has arranged for an accountant to check over things every month until I can make some decisions. Is that okay?”
    “ Sure, we’re all just glad to still have a job. What do you think you’ll do? I mean for the long term?”
    “ I really haven’t thought about it. I’ve got to take care of family stuff first.” Katherine flagged down a waiter. “Can I get a hot chocolate with whipped cream?”
    “ Anything else?”
    “ Um, well,” she motioned to Craig. “Want anything? I’m buying.”
    “ A black coffee please.”
    The waiter hurried off to get their order as they waited for the others. Once everyone was there - George, Craig, Crystal, and Katherine - they set to making arrangements for both businesses. With the details ironed out and papers signed the managers left. George turned to Katherine.
    “ How’re you? Really .” He laid his hand on hers. He was a good deal older with a thinning hairline. He had been one of the few people her father had considered a friend.
    “ I’m okay. Just a little shell shocked. I wasn’t expecting...”
    He gave a weak smile. “I’m so sorry. You do know your father left you very stable? To say the least!”
    “ Yes, I have a pretty good notion. But George…” she wasn’t sure how to approach the question without sparking a discussion she didn’t want. “Did Dad ever mention having property in Maine?”
    George paused. “Yes, I paid the taxes on it every year, through an off shore account.”
    Katherine’s eyes grew wide. “A what?”
    “ An off shore account. It’s the best way to keep people from tracking you down if you don’t want to be found. All Mitch ever really told me was that his family had died under bad circumstances and that he didn’t want anyone tracking the two of you here. I

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