Finding Our Forever: (A Defining Moments Novel)

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Book: Finding Our Forever: (A Defining Moments Novel) by Andee Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andee Michelle
Tags: Romance
brother. You’re right about one thing though. I was here earlier. I was here just long enough to have a beer, some nachos, and to overhear the waitress tell you she’s pregnant with your baby,” I retort, watching his smirk fall from his face.
    “That’s not my kid. She’s slept with half this bar, including you, so don’t think you’re out of the running for that kid’s daddy,” he huffs out, his focus now completely on me.
    Before I can even respond, a fiery little body flies in front of me and punches Drake right in the face. I look over to see what the hell just happened and find Jessie standing there with tears running down her face.
    She leans forward so only he can hear her and says something to him that makes his face turn white as a ghost. Then she pushes past him and heads to the back of the bar.
    “I guess that’s your cue to go, asshole,” I tell him as a bouncer comes over and ushers him to the door. He doesn’t resist and doesn’t say another word.
    “So, a little blonde, huh? I didn’t mean to interrupt anything, Eli. You could’ve just said no when I asked you to come get me,” Sara says, sounding a little snarkier than I’ve heard her sound before.
    “I wasn’t joking, babe. It was Ben who left with the blonde, and I know that because he brought her to our apartment. When you texted me, I was blaring music to keep the sounds from warping my brain.”
    She smiles and turns back toward her beer at the bar. She takes a long, slow gulp and then turns to me.
    “You ready to give me that ride?” she asks with her eyebrow raised.
    I smirk at her and lift my eyebrow. “You have no idea, babe. No idea.”
    She chuckles and slides off her stool, grabbing my hand on the way out the door.
    I take her to my truck and open the door for her.
    “Nice truck. It’s big. Are you compensating for something?” She snorts as she grabs the “oh shit” handle on the inside of the truck to hoist herself in. My hands come up to rest on her hips, making sure she doesn’t fall.
    “I don’t need to compensate for anything, baby. Just say the word and I’ll prove it.” I snicker. When I make it to the driver side of the truck, I glance over at her and note her cheeks are tinged red and she’s biting her bottom lip to keep from smiling.
    This is going to be a long drive.

    THE MOMENT WE’RE both closed into the cab of my truck, the atmosphere changes. It was all fun, games, and flirtiness before. Now, it’s hot, awkward, and pent-up sexual energy. I know she can feel it as much as I do.
    As I head toward her house, all I can think about is the flirty tone in her voice. The way she just took my word for it when I told her it was Ben who left with that girl brings a smile to my face. She doesn’t know me from the next guy, and the fact that she already trusts me enough to take my word for it means a lot to me.
    We drive in silence for a few minutes before I finally speak again.
    “So, Sara, why in the world would your ‘friend’ think you would have anything in common with that douche canoe?” I ask her, trying to keep the conversation light but needing her to know that I’m not a fan of her friend at this point.
    She laughs and shakes her head. “Well, if you want the absolute truth….” She trails off.
    “Always,” I respond before she continues.
    She regards me for a moment, and I can tell she’s trying to watch my reaction when she finally responds.
    “Well, Ramzi, my best friend, the one who set me up with the idiot, seems to think I need to get laid. She just thought he was hot. I seriously doubt she thought we had anything in common,” she tells me, her voice void of humor.
    I cough, trying to contain the laughter threatening to bark out.
    I smirk at her when I reply, “Well, Sara, do you need to get laid?”
    She smiles slightly, turning her head to the passenger window so I can’t see that her cheeks are turning red.
    “Let me ask you a question first, and then

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