Waking the Bear (Shifter Wars)

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Book: Waking the Bear (Shifter Wars) by Kerry Adrienne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kerry Adrienne
the robe. Claiming her would’ve been so easy if he’d let his bear loose. All she’d have to do is say yes, and maybe give him a smile and blush like she did when they were working on the faucet. Yeah, that would do it.
    The headlights cast a path out in front of him. If only his path to Amy was so clear.
    If she’d reached for him, he might not have been able to hold himself back. That scared him. His bear pushed him to do things his human might not be brave enough to do. But his bear was also very angry with Evers.
    Griff’s head ached with the dichotomy of his wants and needs.
    He couldn’t tell Amy anytime soon, and maybe not ever. Perhaps once the bears had defeated the lions once and for all. Until the time came, if it ever did, he would watch over her, protect her. Whether she liked it or not. They’d be friends—for now. Nothing more. He could do that. No entanglements until the danger had passed, and who knew how long that would be?
    No one had told him how strong the attraction to one’s mate would be. It was going to be hard to be near her and stay just friends. He screwed his nose up and his bear paced inside. Occasionally, his bear growled and whined, wanting him to take her in his arms. At other times, his bear growled in anger at the thought of her being out alone, unknowingly doing unsafe things.
    He sighed. Living in Deep Creek had never been easy, but right now, things were more dangerous and complicated than he’d ever seen them since his family had been murdered. He rubbed his thigh where the scar remained.
    Far away, he heard Charlotte singing, her little-girl voice high-pitched and innocent like fresh spring blooms before a storm. Then, the screams.
    Tears flooded his eyes and he slowed as he pulled into his driveway.
    He parked and climbed out of the truck, leaving his toolbox in the cab in case he had to go back to the cabin. He wiped his eyes and looked up.
    The stars fanned out over his head from mountain peak to mountain peak and he spotted Ursa Major, the Great Bear, dipping into the night sky. Ursa Minor always represented Charlotte to him and tonight, the haze obscured the tiny constellation. He let out a long breath. The stars always reminded him that taking care of the bears of Deep Creek had to remain his top priority. Until the Sen Pal were gone, one way or another.
    No matter what.

Chapter Five
    “It’s time we move in on the bears.” Evers paced the room filled with other men in the pride, plus the lone lioness warrior, Lara. He didn’t know when Max had started letting women fight, but clearly the old man was getting soft. He edged around her and she hissed as he passed by.
    “Sit down, Evers. You’ll get your chance to talk to my father when he gets here.” Mason, one of the twin heirs to the pride’s leadership, raised his voice. His black hair fell in a clump over his eyes like a tough guy, but Evers wasn’t fooled. He wasn’t afraid of the twins.
    Anger coiled inside Evers’s chest, constricting his breath. Marco and Mason, the twins, had long been his friends. They’d tousled and played as cubs and learned to fight as young men. Things had changed since he’d been gone. The other lions were acting as docile as housecats.
    He paused then spoke louder. “They’re still sleepy from winter and we’d get the jump on them before they even knew what was happening if we attacked now.”
    He’d never liked being cooped up in the compound where the lions lived, but Max insisted the pride live within the confines of the little area just outside Henredon. He’d said it was safer if they stayed together, and easier since they’d all be close in case the bears attacked. But Evers had been gone awhile and he’d been plenty safe out in the human world.
    He preferred roaming free, but he came back for one reason alone.
    To kill Griff Martin.
    Stuck in the compound felt like being in a zoo, only no one was coming to see them or tossing them juicy steaks.

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